Noisy Filter


Fish Fanatic
Mar 19, 2003
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I did a water change this morning and cleaned out my filter (small Rena filter internal). Ever since then the filter has been rattling, I have tried everything to make it stop but nothing works. I have checked the impeller and everything appears to be OK (no broken parts). My tank is in my bedroom so it's going to drive me nuts trying to get to sleep. Does any one have any ideas?
I did a water change this morning and cleaned out my filter (small Rena filter internal). Ever since then the filter has been rattling, I have tried everything to make it stop but nothing works. I have checked the impeller and everything appears to be OK (no broken parts). My tank is in my bedroom so it's going to drive me nuts trying to get to sleep. Does any one have any ideas?

U might have air in the pump it self give the pump part a few lil taps this might knock the air out.

If that fails and u can take the pump off and in the water turn it every what way (trying to get the air out)

Then without taking th epump out of the water put it back together let us know if that doesnt work and try and describe the sound.
Diet....thanks for the advice. I have taken it apart again and have truned the pump all different ways and then put it back together in the tank. The rattling has become slightly less noisy but is still there and the humming is quite loud. I may try again later and take it apart again. I did find that if a angled it slightly it helped with the noise.

I have a new filter coming from ebay anyway (lucky eh!) so when that arrives I will replace it.

thanks very much
Diet....thanks for the advice. I have taken it apart again and have truned the pump all different ways and then put it back together in the tank. The rattling has become slightly less noisy but is still there and the humming is quite loud. I may try again later and take it apart again. I did find that if a angled it slightly it helped with the noise.

I have a new filter coming from ebay anyway (lucky eh!) so when that arrives I will replace it.

thanks very much

It could be that the impller is slightly off balance, ther emight be not much u can do with it but if u can get to to and there some sort of fastning then try tighting that up

The hum could be it vibrating off the glass try switching the filter on and holding it on in the middle of the tank and see what noise u get there.
Dumb question, did you prime it?
It might just be the impeller cavitating too. Got any air wands or anything near the filter inlet?
My replacement filter has arrived…..I am just going to be adding the media from my existing filter (new and old filter are the same). All I am going to do is rinse the new filter under tap water to get any dirt/dust off, then add the filter media and then put it in the tank and keep my fingers crossed. Does this sound ok?
My replacement filter has arrived…..I am just going to be adding the media from my existing filter (new and old filter are the same). All I am going to do is rinse the new filter under tap water to get any dirt/dust off, then add the filter media and then put it in the tank and keep my fingers crossed. Does this sound ok?

if ur going to run the filter under the tap to get rid of any dust don't, it would be better to take some water from your tank and pour it over the filter in your sink or something. it wilkl be better for your filter and ur media
I wasn't going to put the media under tap water...I know you should only clean it in Tank water. Just was gonna rinse the new filter off, won't be doing it yet any way just relised I have ordered the wrong filter! :sad: Have changed the order to the right one now...phew
I wasn't going to put the media under tap water...I know you should only clean it in Tank water. Just was gonna rinse the new filter off, won't be doing it yet any way just relised I have ordered the wrong filter! :sad: Have changed the order to the right one now...phew

what i meant was dont use tap water for anythgin if u can help it just use the tank water.
The filter is a delicate place when it comes to tap water and IMO I would never let tap water anywhere near my filter

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