Noisy Eheim 2217


Fish Crazy
Nov 29, 2009
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i bought a new eheim 2217 external filter approx 4 months ago and i am completely sick of it, no matter what i try i can't get to run quiet.
it makes a kind of rattling noise which i know is normally trapped air but in this case i'm sure it's not, i've had a 2213 before and had no problem priming it and getting to run quiet, i've tried all sorts of methods to prime it including the eheim way and it's still the same.
i've checked the impeller and shaft for damage and they are ok.
it's by far the loudest filter i've ever had i've even tried insulating the cabinet to try and reduce the noise but it's still driving me madd.
i'm not sure what to do about it the company i bought it from where no help and said all they could do would be to send it to eheim to be tested and i don't have another filter to use in the mean time, i've emailed eheim twice now and they havn't bothered to reply.
i'm going to mail them one last time, i can see me having to buy another filter and it won't be a eheim :no:
Bad luck man, some filters are just noisy like that.

I bought an Eheim Liberty (the smallest one) - its absolutely silent,
Bought the next model up, constant buzz (but runs fine, and am now used to it).

My two best filters are 2 fluval externals, run like proper workhorses, with minimal maintainance (for years).

WOW! I just looked at the price of those even second hand on ebay.. sheesh, for that money they should be perfect...

Just as a BTW the only way you will get any joy is to let the company send it to Eheim. However, the item you have bought is not 'fit for task' and so (if you are in the UK) you are fully entitled to demand a replacement, it is the company that is responsible for sending it back to Eheim and getting their money back that way.

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