Have these Botias, not very big, "Y" shaped pattern on their bodies and cannot pinpoint the source, but am pretty sure it's them making "clicking" noises (off course only when I'm not looking).... can anyone confirm??
Have these Botias, not very big, "Y" shaped pattern on their bodies and cannot pinpoint the source, but am pretty sure it's them making "clicking" noises (off course only when I'm not looking).... can anyone confirm??
Have these Botias, not very big, "Y" shaped pattern on their bodies and cannot pinpoint the source, but am pretty sure it's them making "clicking" noises (off course only when I'm not looking).... can anyone confirm??
Pretty normal for botias. "Y" pattern indicates yoyo loaches, aka pakistani loaches, aka Botia Almorhae.
Incidentally, loaches are not catfish or plecos...you are in a wrong part of the forum.