Noen Tetra


New Member
May 8, 2004
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I am new to sharing my life with fish nad am having a few problems with our Neon Tetra's. If I don't leave the tank light on they loose their colour and become quiet sluggish in the water. what am I not doing?
Purplelizzie :dunno:
As far as I can tell, you're not doing anything wrong. At night, fish will slow down, reduced visibility means a higher chance of bumping into something.

What do you mean about the colour loss? Does it come back when you turn the light back on in the morning? If so... that's normal, they only look neon when they have a light source reflecting off them.
i think its perfectly normal mine do exactly the same thing. if i come downstairs at night and turn the light on you can barely see them they go a greyish colour.
theres something wrong with my guppies! at 2:00 at night they still play around like there was no tomorrow! with or without a light! - and they dont loose colour at all.
i turned my light on at 5am the other morning and had five ugly grayish fish i had never seen before :fun: while staring at the tank trying to figure it out they started to get their blue stipe back and the rest came back slowly too, guess i had just never looked at the neons first thing when i turned my light on :*)
As long as the colour comes back, Iv'e just had one who lost its colour permanently and unfortunately it tuned out to be Neon tetra disease. Almost certainly. Just lost him today.

Hope yours are OK
:D Thank you thank you thnak you
I can't believe how important these tiny little creatures have become. I take the responsibility of caring for them very very seriously. They bring such joy and relaxation into our lives. And knowing that this forum is here just adds helps with the responsibility part. :cool:

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