Fish Crazy
I am thinking about devoting one five gallon aquarium with heating, lighting, and a bubbler completely to one African Cichlid. Why? Mainly because I have a problem with guppy-fry overpopulation in my frog aquarium and because of the need to cull out the bad fry from the good whenever my good livebearers (including the Endler's, Cobra Guppies, Marigold Swordtails, and hopefully platies very soon) have a batch of fry. It is almost like getting too many crickets and then finally realizing that you need a frog, I know, but being able to make at least some good use out of the bad fry (AKA: feeding them to a bigger fish--which I don't have at this point in time) rather than simply resorting to tactics such as flushing them down the toilet, as my mother would suggest. However, as the title of this thread suggests, I know nothing about the African Cichlid and therefore have much to learn before I begin to consider buying this fish. A few questions I had were whether or not I would constantly have to feed it live food, or if could eat flake/other kinds of food as well, how big it gets, how hardy it is, if it can live its life in a five gallon or if it would eventually need more room, you name it. Also, I'm getting the idea that there is more than one kind of African Cichlid--in which case I would want to know just what kind to buy. And would it need a filter, or would a simple bubbler such as I have suit its purposes?
Any advice or suggestions you may have for me would be greatly appreciated. Thankyou!
Any advice or suggestions you may have for me would be greatly appreciated. Thankyou!