No More Guppys For Me


Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator ⚒️
Nov 5, 2004
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Lost my last one though he was over a year old. R.I.P.
Not ever going to be tempted to buy anymore.
What with camallanous worms, and bacterial infections, there just not worth it.
My guppy's has just had fry.

Once they go then I don't think I will ever buy guppy's again. They are a nice starter fish but very horny fish.
I agree there beautiful fish and I started out with them.
Kept them about three times in five years, they all die one by one.
The longest I have managed to keep one alive for is one year two months.
I started out with 9( maybe 8, cant remeber) and ended up with 1 female in 2 weeks. They always get sick EVERY TIME. But my one female( very pretty, red tail with white star burst lines in it!) and she has been thriving for a long time!
idk why, but when i got my four guppys, it must of been a miracle cause ive had them for like 3 months, no breeding, no pregnancy no fry. im assuming there all males or all females and they didnt have sex at the lfs. im a newb still but mine are never sick...guess im just lucky. and i will forever have guppys. there just too cute.
oh thats sad wilder, the ones i used thru my cycle ( not intentionaly, bought them before i knew about cycling) are in my little boys tank,and have never had an illness yet-had them about 5 months--- so heres to a mssive fingers X`d.

and so sorry for your losses

Depends where you get them from I think, though alot of mass produced guppies won't be hardy at all.
You should get them from a breeder instead. Try the British Livebearer Association trade page.

I saw some nice gups at the BLA spring auction on Sunday, including African wild guppies and genuine wild Venezuelan guppies. And some very healthy looking ones bred for their colours.

Obviously, guppies were never particularly longlived fish- you don't need to be if you reproduce at that rate. But they should at least last a couple of years.
So sorry for all your losses, I was thinking of getting some but I don't think I will now xx
I also bought 8 guppies at the begining (2 males, 6 females) and all but one female died. But she had lots of fry which the majority survived and now I have a lot of guppies and home bred are very hardy...

Try to get guppy fry from someone who has them at home because they are ussually healthy not like the ones in the LFSs.
I bought 12 male guppys for my 30 gallons tank, even wormed them.
They did live longer than normal but still not long enough.
The guppys around my area are not hardy at all, I want to find a good breeder of them before I think of buying anymore.
I know what you mean, Wilder.
I have only one of my original four boys remaining from May of last year. And a few of the subsequent batches I have bought have died much younger than that. I love guppies but I think it is hard to get good quality stock, and I don't know how much longer I can keep replacing them, I get too upset! Thinking of getting more mollies / platies instead, they seem to be hardier.
They have so much character though, and so pretty! It's a tough one.
Im with you there...been there as well!! Very costly trying to breed them we gave up and now we have cichlids. much easier.

What do you mean, costly to breed? I have about 30 of them, and the only thing they have cost me was the mom, and the new linage i added one, and food. About 6 dollars in total cost wise.

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