No more carbon......

to all of you knowing much more than me: I am setting up 55G using water from 29G. How much water daily can I take out of my 29 before running into trouble. So far I am taking about 5G a day, but I would like to increase that. Also, I am adding the same amount of fresh water into 55G (5G a day. ) A spi\onge from the 29G filter floats in 55G to get that bacteria going. I hope this so\houl work but I woul like to increase to 10G a day water pumped out of 29G ans have still 29G functioning. Any takers? Appreciate the answer.
to all of you knowing much more than me: I am setting up 55G using water from 29G. How much water daily can I take out of my 29 before running into trouble. So far I am taking about 5G a day, but I would like to increase that. Also, I am adding the same amount of fresh water into 55G (5G a day. ) A sponge from the 29G filter floats in 55G to get that bacteria going. I hope this should work but I woul like to increase to 10G a day water pumped out of 29G ans have still 29G functioning. Any takers? Appreciate the answer.
I'm not exactly sure what you're trying to do here but I'm assuming you have fish in your 29g and want to add some water to your 55g to jumpstart a cycle on your tank while leaving the fish you already have in your 29g?

If so, take out 10-12g once and just add some gravel and filter media from the 29g into your 55g then fill each up again with dechlorinated water.

Are you planning on buying other fish for the 55g after it cycles or are you putting the fish from the 29g into the 55g?

Like I said, I'm a bit confused on exactly what you're doing. :)
I agree, I think taking out 50% from your established tank, one off, would be a lot better than doing 10% extractions once a day for a week. I can't see any advantage in taking out numerous small amounts either.

Remember that most of the beneficial bacteria aren't even in the water!
thanks for reply.
I will take out half from 29 and dump it into 55, add new water to top it up and hope for the best. Take also old filter and some gravel. 29 will still exist but only for neons and cardinals. Loaches and gouramis will have a new home. Chinese algae eater goes back to LFS, too big, plants are in poor shape because of him.

Now the other question.

Back in March I had a snail invasion (small snails). Some local guru in LFS told me to use Had-a Snail, copper based. That took care of my plants, not snails. Ever since plants are in poor shape, they do not grow much. New plants introduced a couple f months after that treatment did not grow neither. They just exist there, they do not grow.
Pair of loaches took care of entire snail population some time later, I should have been smarter.
So, can that coper still be on the gravel, am I going to introduce the same problem of poor plant grow into 55 if I take some plants, gravel and filter to 55 from 29.

JHD - the carbon should have removed the copper, particularly if you've been doing water changes etc. I've used Had-a-Snail in the past and it had absolutely no effect on my plants, so we must conclude something else is the problem.

Could you post a question in the plant section, please? I'm not so knowledgeable about plants but I do know that insufficient light is a biggie (fluorescent tubes never die, they just fade away and as they age they support plant growth less and less). Also, if you have very high nitrate levels it can actually inhibit plant growth.

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