No Melafix

A great way to avoid making the unwanted bacteria resistant and to prevent loss of good bacteria;
> Cycle the filter media in another tank, using underdosages
> Transfer the cycled media into the tank that needs treatment
> Now you have resistant colonies so you can safely kill the bad bacteria!

I always cycle with melaleuca and I try to always have cycled filter media ready to replace old media. That way I don't have to re-cycle my big tanks too often. (this is a great way to put spare undersized tanks to use!)
A great way to avoid making the unwanted bacteria resistant and to prevent loss of good bacteria;
> Cycle the filter media in another tank, using underdosages
> Transfer the cycled media into the tank that needs treatment
> Now you have resistant colonies so you can safely kill the bad bacteria!

I always cycle with melaleuca and I try to always have cycled filter media ready to replace old media. That way I don't have to re-cycle my big tanks too often. (this is a great way to put spare undersized tanks to use!)

humm interesting :good: only problemm i can see is, if you cycle with fish you will still run the risk of producing resistant, bad bacteria, and transfering it to the tank to be medicated. if you do it with a fishless cycle, you will always need to dose the tank with ammonia. even the best fishless cycle, will take too long to start a colony. and be any use to use as a medical aid.

i do have one question though. why do you ever need to recycle a tank of any size?
It's been my experience that MelaFix can be very effective in curing bacterial infections.............or not. From what I have seen, if it's going to work it will result in a dramatic change for the better within just a few days time. If no benefit is evident in that time, it's usually best to move to something more potent.

Instead of using MelaFix, I mix my own which I call Melafake. To make it, mix 1/4 tsp. 100% pure tea tree oil with 8 TBS. dechlorinated water. Shake very well and use it as you would MelaFix. Shake well again before each use.

Pure tea tree oil is a very light, thin substance which will mix with water, if well shaken. When Melafake is added to water intended for use as part of a water change the force of the water coming out of the tap will further agitate it and mix it with the water. It will then mix with the tank water the same way MelaFix does.

NEVER add tea tree oil directly to the tank because it is oil and will coat the surface of the water. As with all treatments for bacterial infections, it's best to keep the temperature no higher than 75 degrees F. and to increase the oxygen level by adding an airstone or turning up the filter flow to agitate the surface of the water. These things will make the environment less hospitable for harmful bacteria.

from my research its worth looking hard at using Teatree oil in lower than recommended amounts. as with any antibacterial/antibiotic if the dose is below the needed levels, it causes a stress reaction in the bacteria. if this is allowed to happen the bacteria will become resistant to the treatment. this can be a double edged sword, treating in this way will build up immunity in your filter colony. but this could also do the same to any, unwanted, bacteria and though they may be in too smaller amount to effect your fish at that time, if you import illness or the fish get too stressed. this bacteria will need a different antibac, more expensive and damaging to the tank. as the resistance will become an immunity.

I agree with what boboboy said above. As with any antibacterial treatment, use as directed and continue until you are sure the disease is entirely gone and then a little longer. Creating mutant, treatment resistant, bacteria is a very serious matter.
got a shoker for ya I FOUND MELAFIX and even pimafix at freaking Walmart(after i was told my lfs that was impossible)
but after reading all the stuff posted here i'm not sure if i should continue with my pure tee tree oil (i use 1-2 drops mixed with water in my 10gl) or start with the 2 that i bought(if i were to use these products what is the best way to add the daily dose (never used this before)
and i'm presently doing water chg every 2 days in both my tanks and also add salt
Is this ok?
XD Told ya so!

why do you ever need to recycle a tank of any size?
I'm poor= my filters are cheap= the filter media needs to be changed every 2-4 months(and I do fishless cycling for my backups, btw)
why do you ever need to recycle a tank of any size?
I'm poor= my filters are cheap= the filter media needs to be changed every 2-4 months(and I do fishless cycling for my backups, btw)

No Cutlass, that's not right. :no:

The least expensive method of filtration, the good old fashioned box filter, is among the best ways to keep a tank clean and cycled. The filter media lasts almost indefinitely with just an occasional rinse in used tank water.


That big bag, which cost just $4.99 (US) is just about a lifetime supply for someone with a small tank. :D

EDIT: keep in mind that I only got internet recently and before then my only source has been the only pet shop in town, which doesn't really specialize in fish...

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