No Longer Yoyo Loache Ordered


Nov 4, 2005
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thats better then yoyos right ??????i was able to change the order cuz the guy could not get the yoyos yet Zebra Loachs are smaller right ??? looks for replys and coments about the Zebra Loach? will they fit in a 49 gallon tank thats 2 foot high by 2 foot wide and lenth ??i thort maby Zebra Loach could ?
They should be fine.

Have you managed to talk the shop into taking back the black shark?

You could have a RTBS intsead.
RTBS? not shore what that stands for ???oh and the black shark i stilll have him .... i plan on giveing him back after about munth and saying some thing like it started attacking my fish ........(he tend to hide and not bother others at the moment) .... he is a realy shy fish like if i am moveing around he is strate into the ship wreck that he has made his home and i might add this is when im far away from the tank i would not of thort it could see that far from the tank (i guess but my tanks not suited for a shark from what you told me so i will get rid of at some stage
,,,,,,,,,,,oh by the way thanks for telling me about the Zebra Loach
they look nice i saw a pic on the net oh and when the guy had not been able to get the yoyos i orded yet and found out i was changing to the Zebra Loach he asked if i wanted a clown loach instead cuz they had one in stock :hey: but if i rember right they get bigger the yoyos dont they ??
Clowns get a lot bigger than yo-yo's and because they should be kept in groups, your tank would not be suitable imo.

Zebra's are nice little loaches; need plenty of hiding places and don't have the aggressive label that pakistani's have. They eat snails too and like the clowns will make that peculiar clicking sound when eating. :) Best kept in small groups, 3 I'd say as a bare minimum.

PS "RTBS" stands for Red Tail Black Shark I think.
:D thanks i was not thinking of geting a clown cuz i kind of thort that was the case i realy just was saying the pet store guy tryed selling me some instead of yoyos and well on here i was told the reson why i should choose the Zebra's was cuz they are smaller then yoyos....the peculiar clicking sound when eating i saw that info on clowns on anuther site ? i never new Zebra's were the same and im intrested in hearing it :D i am geting a small group of 3 cuz I'd herd it's a bare minimum. but its good to hear some one say it as well cuz i found anuther site after that saying 5 was the minimum and then i was worry they might not be happy in three thanks for the info

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