Hmmmm well I have to agree that breeding, in any circumstance, is not something to taken lightly. I never had any intention of hybridizing simply because I didn't think they would in the first place. It was merely on the actions of my male that made me wonder if they could or not, not because I wanted to cross breed. I'm still at early stages with regular breeding with some fish so wouldn't dream of doing something much more specialised for the forseeable future.
There are a great many good reasons not to hybridise and I understand them perfectly well. But fish can and do cross breed in the wild. I'm not suggesting people start gene splicing or trying impossible variations. Obviously.
But it is also the case that if the blood lines are kept 'pure' eventually you will end up with problems and inbreeding. Having witnessed it first hand it isn't nice. It's mutations within the gene pool that allow species to evolve and cope with the living enviroments.
Of course too much mutation will lead to just as many problems. Has to be a fine balance. The fact that nature gets it wrong on occassion means that when we start interfering we're more likely to do more harm than good. But one could then argue that the mere action of taking the animal out of it's natural enviroment is interference and changing the behaviours of the animal.
In short, no matter what we do, short of leaving them well alone and their enviroments then we have an impact on their lives. More so by keeping them in tanks in our homes. Same applies to all types of animals. It's a never ending debate that ppl far more intelligent and knowledgeable then myself having been involved in. In the end we all go by what we percieve as the right thing or, in other cases, what we want. And in consumerism, what will sell. More often the not, very little thought goes to the fish themselves. With the probably exception of the more regular keepers such as you or many members of these forums.
Anyway. I'm blathering pointlessly now. I have no problems with those that take prodigious care of their fish. I only get wound up when little to no thought is involved for the fishes wellbeing. I'll shut up now.