no filtration


Fish Crazy
Jan 25, 2005
Reaction score
Dayton, Ohio
i was going to try and start a 10 gallon tank with no filtration. (well sort of) I was going to use a cpr hang on refugium. what type of substrate should I use and how deep? i was going to get about 25 pounds of live rock. a power-compact light and let it go. see what happens. maybe two small fish. say a goby and I dont know. a small cleaning crew. any ideas on what I need to do to make this work?
the substrate should be live sand, at least an inch.

is the cpr a protein skimmer?
no cpr makes a hang on refugium. all it takes is a small pump to pull the water up to it, then gravity returns it to the tank. I was going to have various marco algaes in it. then with the substrate, and live rock I was hoping that would be enough. except for a powerhead in the tank.

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