I live with my parents. They tell me that I can live like a room mate now. My bedroom is my space to do what I want with. My money is mine to do what I want with. So I have a 40, a 20, and a 5 gallon tank. I’ve maxed out my own space and funds, so the only thing left to do was….
give my mother a very severe case of MTS. Within a month, she bought two used 75 gallon tanks. She pays me a small hourly wage to maintain them. Now I’m getting experience with gravel, canister filters, and goldfish! I’ve never had any interest in having gravel bottomed tanks, goldfish, or canister filters, but I’m furthering my knowledge so I can be a better fishkeeper someday. I’m also realizing how simple canister filters are and that I do actually like goldfish. I don’t like gravel though.