No Filter Media


New Member
Jan 28, 2008
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I have just purchased the AuqaStart 500 aquarium (65l: 50 x 49 x 34cm) (

It comes with an undergravel filter which consists of a plastic crate, with an attachable pump and tube in the corner. I have put this in and am now waiting for the tank to cycle, but I was wondering if this required some filter media. I asked at the fish shop and they said it wasn’t necessary, and the aquarium manual also didn’t mention this. I am curious as to how the water is actually ‘filtered’ without this media. Any advice gratefully appreciated.
Basically, with an under gravel filter, the gravel is your media. The bacteria will colonize on the gravel. I know you said you had it set up already but if you an, get a better HOB, external or internal filter. Those all offer better filtration than a UGF. The biggest problem with a UGF is that as the trash is sucked down into the gravel, it will begin to get clogged so you end up with tunnelling in your substrate and reduced water flow.
:lol: was thinking exactly the same, i'm thinking of buying an internal filter for it soon though.
undergravel filters are fine as long as you gravel clean them. People think that because it is in the tank you don't need to clean it. Get a gravel cleaner and use it every time you do a water change on the tank. Drain out about 1/3 of the tank water and gravel clean as much gravel as possible. When you use the gravel cleaner actually push the syphon tube into the gravel and let it suck the crap up.

All filters require maintenance be they internal or external. Undergravels are neat and tidy because they are buried under the gravel. They have a huge surface area for lots of bacteria to grow. The main drawback to them is in tanks with lots of rock. The rock prevents the water flowing over the gravel and limits the filtration area. Also if they aren't gravel cleaned the gravel will compact and limit water flow.
However the same can be said about an external or internal power filter. If it isn't cleaned regularly then it will clog up and stop working efficiently.

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