No bubblenest


Fish Crazy
Oct 15, 2003
Reaction score
Somewhere over the rainbow...
I got a new betta. I set up a one gallon container for him. It was one of those ones that you're supposed to keep bugs in, but strangely, it was being sold in a fish store. So I bought one. And a little hidey hole thing. I already had all the other materials, because I had a betta before. But that betta was in a bowl, and made huge, foaming bubblenests. That time, I did not age the water, and there was little ground space. All there was were some plants, gravel, and a little castle. In my current container, I have plants planted in gravel, the hidey hole, the castle, a little plastic decoration thing, and aged water. Plus a little bottled water for the minerals. But still, no bubblenest. I see bubbles on the sides of the square container, but no clumps. To my view, this home is much better than the bowl, and better looking. The bottom is densely planted, and provide many places to hide and rest. The bottom has a lot of ground space, too. He also eats fine. He eats pellets and bloodworms. No disease. Active. But no bubblenest. He has been in there for two days now. Are some fish just harder to content than others? :/
I've had my three bettas now for about two weeks now and none of them have made a bubble nest for me either. :( I think it depends on the betta.
He's probably still getting acclimated. Bulldog took a week before he started bubble-nesting.
The bubbles on the side could be his attempt at building a nest, some guys are just better builders than others ;)
Wuv,,,,are you really trying to say that SOME men are better then OTHERS ???? :lol: (just teasing)
Yeah, probably still acclimating. Mine had a bubble nest in his cup and i've had him for about two days now and he's just starting to blow little bubbles along the sides. So I think you're doing fine.
Hi FlareBettaGuy :)

What do you mean by "aged water?" Do you mean the tank has cycled? A glass of tap water left standing for a while will often develop bubbles on the sides of the glass. Could it be this? :unsure:

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