Not sure what that is. Will google.

Now I'm wondering whether this product is available in your country.
Oyama is the brand name.
We called it Oyama background adhesive/ sticker.

You can watch this video on how they paste it to the tank.
You have to spray it with water and use a scrapper to make it stick properly and remove all the air bubbles.

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That looks the same as the black background I used, though I just taped mine to the top and sides.

Mine is back on one side and blue on the other, but it's from this range
It means I am clumsy. I spill things and break things a lot. :lol:
The google tanslater was able to give a translation into Spanish ("torpe"), but neither German nor French, well perhaps you think of yourself you are klutzy but probably you are not, otherwise you wont be competent to have a fish (but I find that word "klutz" funny, you Americans are ingenious).
The google tanslater was able to give a translation into Spanish ("torpe"), but neither German nor French, well perhaps you think of yourself you are klutzy but probably you are not, otherwise you wont be competent to have a fish (but I find that word "klutz" funny, you Americans are ingenious).
your faith in me is inspiring, but I do find many interesting ways to make messes, break things, and hurt myself. :lol: I believe the Deutsch word is unbeholdfen.
I ordered wallpaper samples for this stone patterned wallpaper. Will order a roll if it looks good.

I am grateful for all the good ideas here. I plan to use them on other bare backed tanks.
we will see. I have oodles of tile & wallpaper samples that were disappointing IRL. Not free. Usually $5 a pop.
your faith in me is inspiring, but I do find many interesting ways to make messes, break things, and hurt myself. :lol: I believe the Deutsch word is unbeholdfen.
Oh, then I'm sorry for you, this is a sign you are going to get "alzheimer" and there is only a known cure, to fight poison with poison, that means you should start learning German as quickly as possible (but don't believe me too much, you know I'm kiding) for sure you still tend to exagerate somewhat. Unbeholfen is correct but there are a lot of expressions for this, tollpatschig is one of the most popular (walking like a goos or so).
Oh, then I'm sorry for you, this is a sign you are going to get "alzheimer" and there is only a known cure, to fight poison with poison, that means you should start learning German as quickly as possible (but don't believe me too much, you know I'm kiding) for sure you still tend to exagerate somewhat. Unbeholfen is correct but there are a lot of expressions for this, tollpatschig is one of the most popular (walking like a goos or so).
German is a hopeless language. I spent a year in Vienna and the only thing i learned was it gets cold - as folks would constantly ask me if i was cold wearing shorts in the winter.
Aber war es dir also nicht kalt? Mit T-Shirt im Winter? hahahaha, Yes Perhaps hopeles but I think every language is worth to be learned, only a year is not too much, German is quite different to other european languages, a bit complicated and really strange, for me to learn that language was a duty because I have had a german father (deceased in 1973 at the age of 43 in Paris in a car accident) and having a german passport and after I came to Germany in 1983 (I was ill at this time and that was not my decision) I wanted to learn that language as good as possible but this was a personal motivation, being myself a german citizen, though my mother was spanish and I grew up in Madrid, otherwise I wouldn't have had interest to be living here or to learn the language, family of mine isn't existent here (it's a great mistery to me) and for the germans, as well as for the spaniards (and that's even more serious) I'm a stranger and even an enemy (for the spaniards I looked like an south american indian and for the germans I look like an arab), Well now you know all of the story of my live LOL. Learning Chinese (Mandarin) would be more practical and interesting in any case. I have accepted to be an extraterrestrial mutant.
Aber war es dir also nicht kalt? Mit T-Shirt im Winter? hahahaha, Yes Perhaps hopeles but I think every language is worth to be learned, only a year is not too much, German is quite different to other european languages, a bit complicated and really strange, for me to learn that language was a duty because I have had a german father (deceased in 1973 at the age of 43 in Paris in a car accident) and having a german passport and after I came to Germany in 1983 (I was ill at this time and that was not my decision) I wanted to learn that language as good as possible but this was a personal motivation, being myself a german citizen, though my mother was spanish and I grew up in Madrid, otherwise I wouldn't have had interest to be living here or to learn the language, family of mine isn't existent here (it's a great mistery to me) and for the germans, as well as for the spaniards (and that's even more serious) I'm a stranger and even an enemy (for the spaniards I looked like an south american indian and for the germans I look like an arab), Well now you know all of the story of my live LOL. Learning Chinese (Mandarin) would be more practical and interesting in any case. I have accepted to be an extraterrestrial mutant.
I failed German year 9, then failed French year 10. I was told not to try and learn a foreign language. I went to South America in my late twenties for three months and learnt Spanish without any problem, mainly because I would have died without a Beer.

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