The February FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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I asked the LPS and they said they don't do anything like that. I also don't know anyone who lives around me who has an aqaurium. :( I did a 50% water change today and added two of thos dechlorinator tablets. :nod: I was thinking about doing a 75% water change tomorrow, and keep doing water changes everyday until the nitrites get down.
Ad some anti nitrite and anti ammonia filter materia. After a few days take it out and do frequent water changes.
Tetra Bactozym tabs there in a green box

had a couple of these tablets there good for nitrites
and ammonia they ad good bactira back into the tank
and will solve ur problem
STEVIE00 said:
Tetra Bactozym tabs there in a green box

had a couple of these tablets there good for nitrites
and ammonia they ad good bactira back into the tank
and will solve ur problem
I looked at those on the internet and haven't been able to find any in my LPS. :-(
I did a 75% water change today. Ever since I have been doing my large water changes all of the fish are WAY more active! :hyper:
Flashfire said:
Ever since I have been doing my large water changes all of the fish are WAY more active! :hyper:
Glad ur fish are getting a bit better... :)
Thanks! I did about an 80% water change today and tested the water a coupel hours after. My nitrites are still high at about .5-3. The good part is, that they keep decreasing and not increasing. :p I think I will take a trip down to the pet store today and get some products to help my tank.

I was also thinking about picking out another fish for my boyfriend (not going to add him until nitrites are 0 for a few weeks) Just to shop around. :nod: I forgot to tell him his khuli loach died. :crazy: He had his mom and her boyfriend come over and he was all showing them our tank and he was telling him about his loach and how he looks like a little worm. :wub: I kept my mouth shut because I didn't want to tell him it died infront of his mom and her boyfriend. Should I just buy a replacement in a few weeks or let him pick out another fish?

He really isn't into fish as much as I am but he knows he loves taking care of them. One day I was at work he calls me up, "Hey, I just added some melafix to the tank because one of the fish had a torn dorsal fin and it was kind of pale/white. I think it is fin rot?" Hehe. He is adorable. :wub: He learns a lot though...he can't help not to hear me chat about fish all day. :p

For some reason, all of "his" fish end up dying. I think it is because he picks out really fragile fish. :dunno: Or maybe he has a curse or something. :lol: Anyways when the fish that he treated for fin rot got better, he was so happy and claimed that fish as his own. :D

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