

Fish Crazy
Jan 25, 2009
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the middle o' bum**** and you got a purty mouf
So my nitrates are super high, they werent this way until recently, but nothing has happened that should have raised it.
Anyway this spike has caused an amazing decrease in the size of my frogspawn, it looks pathetic.
i have heard that you can dose the tank with vodka or vinegar, i was wondering if any of you knew about this and if so how much i should dose and how often
Exactly how high?
Vodka or sugar dosing is carbon dosing which I am very familiar with it, as I carbon dose my tank.

That being said, however, there is a reason your nitRATes are going up quickly. You should figure that out instead of trying to find an easy way out...

Are they going down with water changes?
What kind of water are you using?/What are the nitRATes of the water you're using?
Are you overfeeding?
Are you siphoning debris during water changes?

Even though I carbon dose, I don't neglect the tank. You can't just depend on the dosing or you're expecting a disaster to happen sooner or later.
i defonetly dont neglect my tank, i do water changes at the end of every week, siphoning up excess material and i use RO water, and its hard to tell if theyre going down because it is already above the max the kit can measure.
i dont over feed, i feed only once in the morning and then i spot feed my sun coral everyother night with a couple of shrimp
What level are they at?

How much water are you changing? If they are at the max... then do a larger water change.
There's obviously something not right. Best to find out what it is.

Have you checked the nitRATes/TDS on the RO water?
Would leave it in for now... they can come back...

A reason you're avoiding answering how high they are? :p
sorry umm nitrates are....100 high range and 20ppm lowrange

Are you sure you test kit is accurate, given the water changes either something is dead and decaying or its being introduced. What are you other water params like.

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