
While having lots of (HEALTHY!) plants in a tank will help to keep the nitrates down in general, the best way to actively reduce nitrates is to change the water. Preventing nitrate build-up is the primary reason people do water changes once a tank is cycled.
Correct. The only and best way to reduce nitrates is water change. True plants will consume some, but not allot to not warrant a water change.
I agree do water change. Plants are a great help but if your not up to plants maintenance then you'd be adding more problems when your plants starts dying...
Correct, if only plants grow :) Best way is to reduce nitrate is to add more plants, change water - if the tap-water is better - and don't overstock tank and don't overfeed. Usually hobbiest have too much fishes in their tanks.

Sometimes when you have lots of plants, you actually need to add more nitrates. But it didn't exclude need and benefit to change water still. Plants also need other fertilizers than only nitrates, so it's important that plants grow - if they don't grow, then they don't reduce nitrates either.

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