Nitrate Question

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Fish Crazy
Jul 24, 2003
Reaction score
New York, NY
I think we all understand that Nitrate is the "good" bacteria in a cycled aquarium. This bacteria lives within your filter, substrate, and on plants/decorations... not "free swimming."

If this bacteria is not free swimming, then how do the Nitrate dipstick or test tube kits work? They require you to test the actual water, which supposedly doesn't have free swimming bacteria.

Am I misunderstanding something? :blink:
It's easy to get all befuddled with the nitrogen cycle, so here's a biochem explanation :p Nitrate is actually the chemical compound produced by the helpful bacteria. It's chemical symbol is NO3- (one atom nitrogen, 3 atoms oxygen, and a negative charge). Nitrate is measurable in your tank just like any other chemical compound. The bacteria do have an important role with nitrate levels: they convert ammonia (NH3) produced by fish waste into nitrite (NO2- still harmful to fish) and eventually into nitrate. They do this by oxidizing the ammonia and nitrate, and that's why it's important to have plenty of oxygen in your water (filtration, plenty of surface space, and maybe even a bubble stone or live plants). High nitrate levels are not good for the fish and promote algae growth, but nitrates are not as harmful to the fish as nitrites, and they also act as plant fertilizer.

HTH (and please somebody correct me if i'm wrong-its happened before)
thecichlidaddict said:
Sounds right to me.

To oversimplify, nitrate is the by-product of the bacteria, not the bacteria itself.
That's what I was missing. :thumbs: Thanks for the clarification, guys.

Now I know... and knowing is half the battle. :rofl:

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