Nitrate Problem (or Not?)


New Member
Mar 27, 2006
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Florida, USA - deep in the heart of Hurricane Coun
Hi all -
My 24 g nano has been up and running since February. I've got 22 lbs of live rock, 20 lbs of live sand, 2 b&w clowns and a bi-colored blennie. All water parameters are fine except for my nitrates, which are consistantly at 10. I change approx. 5 to 7 gallons of water every week, but cannot get the nitrates to zero. Am I slowly killing my fish by having the nitrates at 10? THank you.
10 is pretty average, especially for most beginning nano users. Perfectly safe for your fish and even most corals I have experience with. If you really want to get it to zero you pretty much have to make a hang on back refugium. SH has a guide to how to make one for his tank inside his nano diary. Go have a look there :)
10 is OK. Start a fuge in the middle back chamber and your nitrates will be zero. SH

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