Well, we needed to get some frozen food yesterday so stopped by PetCo & PetSmart. Of course I had to look at the bettas, I always do.
Out of the two we go to I prefer PetCo for their bettas as they are displayed better and usually the ones at PetSmart have some medication added to them and it makes it dark blue and difficult to see them.
I figured I may be bringing one home today and I was thinking of an orange/blue because my fiance Jacob seems to like that color combination, or an elephant ear because my dad likes them.
No orange/blue..after looking at every betta it seemed, I looked at the bottom of the display and saw a flash of purple and then the 'elephant ear' sticker, the only one and my favorite color is purple!
I picked him up and he was very active and grumpy and gorgeous. My dad walked up then and took a look..he liked him too (ofcourse).
I set him back into the display and stood around.
Dad ended up asking if I want him and I said that I would love him but he is the most expensive type that they sell. He told me to get him and it turned out they were on sale
So...now he's home with us. We did a 100% water change and I got him drip acclimating.
After a while I picked him up and put him in the tank and he swam around flailing his "ears" quite a lot, seeming to have trouble staying in one spot.
I cut some filter media and stuck it between the filter outlet and the lid of the tank. It seemed to work as after that he started going all over the place.
Of course I got some pics and a video
Sorry for the novel on just purchasing a fish and getting him settled in.
You can see the blue on his lip
His ventral fins are curly, can sort of see them in this pic.
Here's the vid:

I'd love name suggestions