Niger Trigger


New Member
Sep 17, 2006
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Hey there,
I am considering getting a Niger trigger to add to my reef (mostly sps, lps, clams ect)
Now i understand that they are planktovores and pose very little threat to my corals, but i have some blood shrimps, a red starfish, and a blue starfish, also standard CUC of snails and red hermits just wondering what peoples experiance is of these, also i have heard the re arange your rocks, how bad will a juvenile do this?
anyway just wanted some idea of what to expect
Ta :good:
PS. oh tankmates are chromis,wrasses,tangs,mandarin
I have a Niger Trigger in one of my reef tanks and he's fine. He doesn't bother any inverts (shrimps, starfish etc) or corals. He scraps with a sailfin for algae but that's as far as he goes. As for turning rocks - the only thing he's done is knocked a small torch coral off. He spends the night in a smalll crevice (goes completely horizontal) and has never knocked the stone about. He's in with wrasses, clowns etc.

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