Niger Trigger & Blue Regal Tang


Oct 27, 2002
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I`ve had me Trigger in the tank for a good 6 months, and i recenlty added around the same size a regal Tang. Both about 4" in size.

The regal tang as totally warmed with the trigger and they both swim everywhere together, they even sleep in the same crevice at night. Im totally overwhelmed by it. Even though one is " trigger" and the other a "surgeon fish" i honeslty did`nt expect them to have a symbiotic relationship!

Just thought i`d mention that im well chuffed :thumbs:
Just to clarify it isn't a symbiotic relationship as it is not mutually beneficial to either fish. An example of a symbiotic relationship would be a goby/pistol shrimp pair. The Goby guards the hole and the shrimp gathers food to feed both of them, the Shrimp also digs much of the hole for them both to seek shelter in.
Your 2 fish are simply getting on well, which is encouraging to say the least. Sometimes Triggers can be real nightmares but the Niger, or Blue Trigger is one of the more peacful.

Its very interesting the relationships some fish can strike up, and certainly great fun to watch! Any chance of some pictures?

My niger and my regal get along alright, but it's my female gold stripe maroon that sleeps in the same cave as the niger :lol: The regal sleeps up top behind a powerhead
Just to clarify it isn't a symbiotic relationship as it is not mutually beneficial to either fish. An example of a symbiotic relationship would be a goby/pistol shrimp pair. The Goby guards the hole and the shrimp gathers food to feed both of them, the Shrimp also digs much of the hole for them both to seek shelter in.
Your 2 fish are simply getting on well, which is encouraging to say the least. Sometimes Triggers can be real nightmares but the Niger, or Blue Trigger is one of the more peacful.

Its very interesting the relationships some fish can strike up, and certainly great fun to watch! Any chance of some pictures?


I`ll take a few pics 2nite. don`t think this will take any clips
Regal tangs tend to mimic other fish in tanks when they are small. I have seen a regal think its a clown and dive into a sarcophyton with a pair of common clowns (very glad it wasnt an anenome :crazy: ). This is probably to help make the tang feel more secure in its surroundings etc. Its great to see this pairing of fish get along though, if these didnt then they both have the potential for causing a great deal of damage.
when i first inserted the tang in with the damsels in the 4ft tank, the damsels being terratorial whacked him/her to bits. luckily that day everything was placed into a 6ft, and happily now they get on. the trigger did`nt really care, but the damsels were pretty nasty.

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