Nick's Bogwood 55 Gallon

Oh I'm sorry I must of mis-understood your question. It said on the label Cardinal ( Jumbo ) Tetra's. So I dont know what that means. Hopefully better :D
So...back to the please? :/
Hiya, sorry i have not replied to your PM sooner. been run off my feet recently. regarding aquascaping you've done a fine job so far but need loads more plants to make a significant planted aquascape. if your on a budget i'd get hold of some vallis for the back wall, it'll spread through the substrate and totally hide the rear pane. some anubias or Java moss (or both) would look great on your wood and some nice forground plants would fill in some of the gaps. glosso, HC, riccia any of those will be options. however i dont know your lighting levels or substrate. you'll need at least 2WPG to get the carpeting plants going plus co2 injection. nutrient rich substrate is a must as well to keep your heavy root feeding swordplants happy. failing that some root fertaliser tabs will help.

any more specific queries please feel free to PM me again or reply here (but i may not see it as i only log on occasionally at the moment)
i had one of those too.

thats it in the lower right
Just got a Bamboo Shrimp and a Baby Bristlienose pleco. Here's pic's of bristlie nose in bag.


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