great looking tank, will look better when its filled in, cant wait.
Why do you regret using EC by the way?
Why do you regret using EC by the way?
EC is awful. expensive, non nutritious, particle size is all over the place. the only plus point is that it doesnt cloud too much!
would never use it again. still its better than the mud tropica produce.
instead of using EC, use akadama, has the same properties and is soo much cheaper.
still swear by JBL's substrates though. would love to hear some reviews on manado.
the tank is in such a state at the moment. im ashamed to post pictures. but i will try to later on.
Im think i might go for a complete re-shuffle and re-scape to see if i want to be in this hobby.
On the plus side, I have fixed my Ex1200. having had no co2 and only 1 filter for 2 weeks the tank is a horrible mess.
i used osmocote as usual but i dont think it has enough impact on its own.
Crypts and swords will be easy to gorw as they are strong plants which utilise everything, co2 light ferts. but its the low lying carpet plants i cant seem to grow in this tank.
its wierd that its the crypts that are growing strongest, yet are the biggest root feeders in my tank.....