Nice Surprise


I used to be indecisive but now I'm not so sure!
Apr 24, 2005
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near Hockley, Essex UK
Some time ago I learnt the hard way about backing up files from my laptop - my laptop crashed and I lost everything, including all my photos :crazy:

I have just been updating my profile and clicked on one of the sections only to find copies of some of the photos I had lost, amazing, particularly as I have since lost two of my boys :sad:

But this photo, was the first photo of my boy Billy, a snow, blue eyed, marble bengal


and I was just so pleased to find it sitting safely stored away on TFF :kana:

Then there was this one of my lovely Basil, a Long haired, brown, spotted Bengal - who sadly died


First he was shot with an air rifle and then he caught FELv, which he recovered from (he had been immunised) - but died suddenly of major organ failure some months later.

This is Barney, the most adorable of boys - a snow, blue eyed, marbled Bengal. More like a dog than a cat.


I foolishly allowed him out and he got knocked over and killed, never again will I let my Bengals out, they are now house cats. Bengals just do not have any road sense!

These are my current boys: Billy and Alfie


Billy and Barney were soul mates, when Barney died Billy was unconsolable, so I bought Alfie. Alfie couldn't replace Barney in Billy's eyes but they did become friends.


So, its a good day for me, although must admit to shedding a tear when I found these photos, but a huge thank you to TFF :good:

Seffie x
Now that one just touches you where you go Aw!!!!.... I'm currently in my office at work & I'm having a trying day.... My face cracked into a smile.... very cute, and MUST be nominated for the December POTM

EDIT :lol: ... I've been out and back to this one about 4 times just to have a relook at those eyes.... it spells innocence as much as it says mischief...
Thank you guys :good: Billy really is adorable and those blue eyes melt your heart

Seffie x
ps, although saying that he is currently laying on my legs behind my laptop and he is blooming heavy :fun:
he is so cute!!! such nice potm him aswell! youve got my vote already :hyper:
Billy has my vote! i love him to bits :D he is a very big boy now and very heavy bless him...
Just browsed through here from December POTM nominations, and that kitten is probably one of the cutest I've seen :). Although it does look like you've slipped billy an E.
Personally, Princess.... (I'm supposed to be neutral), but I also think Billy is beautiful (& deserves to win), so I guess, if (when) he does, you'll also have to be awarded a winners' medal. :nod:
I now have a very happy granddaugher who is glued to the results :good:

Thanks Ludwig :D

Seffie x
i have only just come across this thread, and what gorgeous boys you have!

Kittens ALWAYS look bonk-eyed, no matter how many pics I ever take of my kittens, all have eyes looking different ways :lol:

I know what you mean about your cat becoming sad when they lost a soul mate, my Smudge was the same when Biscuit died, but she has NEVER took to another cat like she did him.

I also have the same issue as you, I lost loads of piccies, and one is on my (very) old MSN account, which I can't retrieve as I don't know how :(


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