Nice Kitties

I had both the gulper and vulture cat eating frozen prawns and mussel within an hour of being released into the tank, the gulper takes food almost as soon as it hits the water. The Brachyplatystoma is the difficult one to feed out of the lot, even after 3 months it will only eat half inch long pieces of the tail end of a whitebait and will only eat twice a week.
my b.juruense was just the same when it was small i thought i was gonna lose it lots of times
Glad to see you finally got a gulper, if it goes missing in the next few days, it was the rest of the Chat Crew, not me, honestly...
Love that Asterophysus batrachus! :good:

You said that it can get to 2 feet long?

I might want to get one. . . .where'd you get it and how much did it cost (if you don't mind me asking)


No the Asterophysus only grows to about 10 inches. I'm in England so i dont think you will be getting one from the same place i got mine, the only place i know of in the states that sells them is River Wonders where they are $590 each.
They've got some nice fish in stock, if there was any sensible way of getting a fish sent over here i would be very interested in some of their knife fishes..
The Cephalosilurus (orange cat) is a beast, i have one of a very similar species within the same genus and it has eaten more tankmates than any other fish i have ever kept before, if you want to mix it with any other fish then you must make sure they are at least one and a half times the length of the catfish otherwise it will eat them.

The pinta knife is interesting but there are better fish to spend $150 dollars on IMO.
Wow, great kitties Dean.

Love the vulture catfish looks like it has gorgeous markings.

Great to see the platynemum doing so well.
wow i missed your piccy threads while i was away.Stunning fish as always :rolleyes:

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