Nicaragua Cichlid


Constantly learning
Retired Moderator ⚒️
Jul 9, 2009
Reaction score
Surrey, England
Seen some juvis of these going cheap and was thinking of setting up my empty 3 foot to see if I can get pair......then sell on before they get to full size as they get quite large.

Anyone ever kept them?
I had a female (in my dp) but she died after getting badly injured in a fight :( , not the fastest grower but decent enough. Absolutely incredible personalities but also quite bolshy at times, good to mix with light tempered cichlids but avoid out matching them as they have poor defenses and will get the crap kicked out of them...

They are my favorites and I would love an other female one day but I rarely see them near me - though for their rarity they never really fetch a high price.

had a lovely female myself had a pretty chilled temperament but was definitely the dominant cichlid in the tank with geophagus and blue acara at the time. one week on holiday and lost her grrrr :(
so what about the idea of keeping a few on their own in a 30g for a while? Call it a summer project if you will.
If you want but its not a great situation. You will get attached as well I garuntee it. If it was a 4 foot tank it would be a better situation but upto you really :)

the cold water has been throw.....advice accepted. Cheers both.
£1.50 for the juvis near me.

Damn Wills abduction his good advice!
Saw a pair of these in a LFS today, £35. They had a shed load of babies too. :D

....where is this? What kind where they? Did they have any black splodges on them or where they clean blue and yellow plus the females usual markings?


Erm... The female wasn't anything like the colour of Elsie. That's about all I could tell you Andy. They had 2 pairs in, 1 with fry, 1 without. Suprisingly the scruffiest, tattiest, thinnest pair were the ones with the fry. They also had a pair of brasiliensis with about a million fry. They also had a lone diadema in. If I'd of had 35 notes on me, I may have been tempted by a pair of something.
Stupid predictive text - should read "and his" not "abduction his".

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