
good question, I don't think you can, but maybe someone knows for certain.

just a side note here in the UK you need a licence to handle a newt and it is illegal to buy/sell injure or kill one. It is also illegal to capture a great crested newt.
Newts that are found in the UK are
smooth newt (Triturus vulgaris), great crested newt (Triturus cristatus) & the palmate newt(Triturus helveticus)
are you saying you need a license for ALL newts or just UK ones?
just UK species that are in the UK
I belive the great crested newt can be found on the European mainland so you proberbly wouldn't need a licence there, unless you wanted to bring it to the UK.
ive seen an online exotic animal seller selling the uk species.

i also read that a UK newt/toad/frog counts as captive bred and can be sold as long as that captive bred animals parents were actually captive bred. so that ones parents (grandparents) can be wild caught but must breed in captivity
I have a fuzhong warty newt, witch are sub tropical, they can manage 24*c but no higher.

Normaly sold as Dog Faced Newts, but you can never garrente the type of newt your getting, as they mix speshess, I only identifided mine from a hugh amount of resurch, and talking to many over owners.

Wolf is right about, UK newts.
do you need a license to handle all newts in the UK? i have recruited ecologists for consultancies in the past, and only ever enountered EN license holders for great crested newts. just curious really.

wrt to tropical newts, a lfs quite often seems to have some in stock - fire newts i think from memory they were labelled as. could have been fire bellied but i may be geting mixed up with toads there :/
my LFS sells fire newts to but i dont think u need a liecence for them

or do you??

sorry think that was me confusing the issue there, its just the endangered uk newts that i was enquiring about regarding the english nature licenses, the fire newts were just on general sale in the shops with no mention of any special conditions of sale. a friend has some fire newts in a community tank that seemed to be doing great.
ferrikins - all warty newts found in a pet shop are warty newts?

cynops orientalis and other cynops sub species are not warty and are common in most pet shops. i would say more common in fact. in america and the UK

i have the same kind of newt as you although mine is a hongongensis. they are not sub tropical. most newts can stand temps up to 24 - does not mean they like it. the one i have preferes temps of 20-22. yours preferes lower temps. but if in doubt of what warty newt you have (paramesotriton) then its best to keep temps around 18-20c
maos said:
ferrikins - all warty newts found in a pet shop are warty newts?

cynops orientalis and other cynops sub species are not warty and are common in most pet shops. i would say more common in fact. in america and the UK

i have the same kind of newt as you although mine is a hongongensis. they are not sub tropical. most newts can stand temps up to 24 - does not mean they like it. the one i have preferes temps of 20-22. yours preferes lower temps. but if in doubt of what warty newt you have (paramesotriton) then its best to keep temps around 18-20c
I have to say thats not acherly what I read most pet shops sell them as cynops orientalis but 9 times out of 10 there not, I have also asked on a newt forum about the temp thing and they said it be fine, I been a member there for about a year and trust there judgement. :)
which forum?

i just read a post in a newt forum about warty newts and they said they are hardy but keep **below** 23. and that theyre temp tolerant. doesnt mean theyre not happier at lower temps i have also read from people who have kept them for years and successfully bred them a few times saying the temps i quoted.
just to say i love in the UK and where i live great crested newts are as common as muck!but theyre sooo cute and amazing and we see them breeding all the time!
where abouts do you live? theres not many places they live now i dont think. is it near devon or something?

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