NEWTS! what shall i do to keep them


Fish Fanatic
Jun 6, 2005
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Benfleet Essex (UK)
Ok this is a new one for me, I keep tropical fish but have now been left with the task of keeping newts lots of them, I have just purchased a new home and it has a pond, 12 ft by 10 ft, on arrival my farther in law spotted “Red Crested Newts” and some others we have counted around 25+ no fish in this pond just NEWTS, he has informed me that these are rare and should be kept as they are GREAT! One problem the pond is leaking so I assume the liner is torn! I would like to put in a cast liner! Pricey this is but well worth it I think, also a pump and filter, should this be done? I have no knowledge on newts at all, HELP!!!! I really wonna keep these little fellas, :D
ferrikins said:
I do beleave it is illigal to keep british newts in captivaty.

I shore there a thread thuther down where it is descussed.

EDIT: here
how can it be illigal, I never put them there, they made there own way into the pond, there is a lake about half a mile from me, they must have come from there, the owner before me said that they have been in the garden for about 5 years, he also kept fish!
this is confusing :/ as some people are saying do noy keep fish, and others are saying keep them, plus my main concern is the water quality, with the heat at the moment blanket weed is REALLY bad, I need to filter this pond, will it harm the newts?
my folks have a small unfiltered pond in their back garden with wild newts living in it - they lived alongside their goldfish for a good number of years up to the point that a heron took out all the fish. the pond has just been left for at least the last three years without being touched, and i saw a couple of the newts still living in the pond at the weekend. it is quite densely planted now though, and full of snails.

as the wolf says though it may be worth looking into the legalities of moving them whilst you reline the pond. you could always try asking on the aquatic ecology academic mailing list linked below, i'm sure someone might be able to help
I mean all of these laws, who would no if I put in a new pond or not! as long as I don't harm them in the process what's the big deal! this is what gets me, what I'm doing is gonna cost £500 and they get a safer place to live and breed, it can all be done in a two days max, I have a brand new loft tank holds 50 gallons, put them in there for two day with plants and rocks, put in new liner and pump and that's it, new home, :D


I don't really want to make a big deal with this but it seems to be a strange situation on what you can and can't do in your own home, this is as bad as building inspectors that keep putting there nose in at the moment :grr:
weathermen said:
I mean all of these laws, who would no if I put in a new pond or not!
true something is only illegal if you get caught :whistle:
watch out for nosey neibhours though.

Please don't take what I have said wrong, I just wanted to let you know there could be some serious consiquences to handling newts.
I was trying to help you "cover your ass" is all.
Yeah for sure, I wasn't taking it wrong, just red tape and ish, when your'e thinking your doing right your doing wrong, :sad:

cheers for all your help!
i see your point about having to change the pond will be better for the newts but you will be disturbing them,If i was you i would just do it but its up to you"

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