Newt I Think

Hiya, firstly try looking here for more definitive information on our native species of amphibian ;)

Reptiles and Amphibians of the UK Forums

Secondly, I really must agree completely with the post above mine. The RSPCA have no interest in wild animals whatsoever and more often than not if you can actually get them to come out to pick up an injured or sick wild animal, it will only be so that they can put it to sleep.

However they are very correct in refusing to take it, at present many amphibians are under serious threat as a result of viral diseases, so right now more than ever relocating amphibians from a waterway or pond more than a couple of miles is a very potentially damaging thing to do.

The newt has found your pond of it's own accord and chosen to be there, it is far better to allow it to live in your pond and if it gets attacked by your dog then sadly so be it. There is a very real possibility that moving it to another environment of your choice not it's own would cause it's death anyway.

While it is not illegal to keep Palmate or Smooth (the two possible types your newt may be) newts, I really think it would be better off in the pond than stuck in a penpals container :(

I totally appreciate your sentiments and good intentions here, I just really think this animal is better off left alone. :)
i have the same type of newts in my pond they have been in there around 2 years and i see them now and again coming up for air, some of them are a yellowish colour, some are brown and some are brown with a black and red spotty belly, looks kinda kool.
if you have plants in your pond and it is quite deep the dog will not be able to catch it. my cats cant even catch them :lol:
In one of my ponds i have a thriving community of palmate,smooth and great crested newts all which have to put up with chicknes drinking from the pond,herons,foxes and cats and they do fine. Also there is probably more than one newt in your pond,so just put it back especially at this time of the year they are mating. Also some newts secrete a nasty tasting liquid which yuor dog will not like so will probably not eat the little guy/guyess. Thanks
My pond aint exactly a pond though more of two black plastic containers about 1m square and no more than six inches deep! Which personally I dont think a newt would fare too well in thats why I want him to go to a nicer place than mine! I suppose he can always move on if it suits him! I'm just terrified my dog will scoff the little guy! I'll go put him back now hope I see him again sometime! Thanks for all the replies
I think he was doing fine, and if not he could simply walk away and find a new pond. Even if you put him in someone elses pond or a wild pond hes in danger of getting eaten by dogs.
I realise that he has the risk of being eaten elsewhere its just I'd feel guilty him being eaten by my dog! Anyhow I put him back in the pond last night before going to bed (figured if he wanted to leave he could do so under the cover of night and not risk Ty getting him) went out this morning and saw him sat at the bottom of the pond!

Are newts meant to shed their skin? as this one did so not sure if its normal for them to shed or not?
Newts shed their skin periodically, they are well known to shed if their climate changes, so I wouldn't worry. I've heard that handling a newt can bring on skin shedding (though I can't say that for a fact). It should be fine. You did the right thing putting it back,though I must admit I would have been tempted to try and help it to if one of my cats had noticed it, but they are reasonably fast in water and tend to move around on land at night so it should be ok.
I suppose I should be grateful that it chose my pond instead of another but I still cant help worrying about it after all over the last 13 years that we've had the pond/tubs set up we have never had a newt come calling! I've now topped up both with more water (rain water from barrel) as I was going to dig them out this summer to stop my dog from drinking but looks like they'll be staying! One day I'll have a proper pond (without fish) so that newts, frogs, toads etc can come I'll also sort out proper hidy holes etc and ensure the dog cant get to it somehow!
I am now a bit worried about my pond which is chock a block with tadpoles (toads). Mummy toad is sat half way down the garden with the tortoise.
They are going to have to go down the local mill when they start getting bigger. My yorkie will be bringing them in the house, the pond is right outside back door and it has raised walls so tortoise dont fall in!
hi just wanted to add my bit.
i wouldnt worry about the newts...i have a 4000 gallon pond that is part raised (about 3 foot) off the ground...have i any newts in the pond? nope not a bl##dy one...have i newts in the garden? ...yes hundreds of them! lifted some slabs to build a shed, found 20 living under the slabs in mud. so i wouldnt worry about your pond not being suitable...if the newt is there then its happy.

consider yourself lucky they really are great to watch and eat slugs! which has got to be a bonus :)
I consider myself very lucky having one land in the pond but still cant help but worry for the little guy! Hopefully he is still there I'm not sure but Ty has been paddling in the ponds again!

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