
Smily this!
Apr 21, 2004
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Melbourne Australia.
I came home today to a filter makeing a rattling sound, so i went into that room where it was comeing from and what did i find? MY 20G LEAKING WATER ON THE FLOOR! it cracked from under the tank and it was already half emty, i judgeing it cracked right when i came home cause i could see the water level dropping, thats how fast it was comeing out! My Red Oscar (tank & pic in sign) didnt seem to mind that it was getting hard to swim just as long as i had his food ready :)
I grabbed a large tub from out side witch im guessing is about 30g or so, i drained the rest of the water into the tub then put the heater and 2 filter in it as well as gravel and stuff.
In one way it gives me and excuse to buy a 75g for the oscar alone, and then i can seal this tank up and have it as some sort of oddball tank.
But it still sucked :(
I am so scared to hear these stories, I have no idea what I would if that would happen to me.

Good luck with the clean up!
Dude, I feel for you :(

but on the brighter side, as you say, it's now time to upgrade :)
ahh that sucks dude. :/

well time to give him a bigger tank :nod:
Wow, that does suck! I'm just glad you were home to be there to catch the water and save the fish! :flex:
yeah i have had a cracked tank... it was my 5 gal LOL it was annoying tho.
Well maybe this crack was a good thing, your oscar should be happy with you now.
when you got home did the door slam if heard of people with kids and the were in the lounge looking at the salty tank when the kids came home from school and as kids doo run inside slam the door and head straight for the kicthen well before there eyes when the door slammed massive leaking promblems when the tank cracked
Blacky said:
when you got home did the door slam if heard of people with kids and the were in the lounge looking at the salty tank when the kids came home from school and as kids doo run inside slam the door and head straight for the kicthen well before there eyes when the door slammed massive leaking promblems when the tank cracked
Wow, try some punctuation. I tried twice to figure out what you were saying, but yikes...

Vip, sorry about the crack! I bet you were feeling really panicky there for a minute. I'll be looking forward to picks of the new tank when you get it up and running! :nod:
A leaking tank is the worst! Ugh! :blink:
Look on the bright side - a LARGER new tank with happier fish! :lol: B)
Blacky said:
when you got home did the door slam if heard of people with kids and the were in the lounge looking at the salty tank when the kids came home from school and as kids doo run inside slam the door and head straight for the kicthen well before there eyes when the door slammed massive leaking promblems when the tank cracked
I think it may read like this

When you got home did the door slam? If a herd of people , with kids, came in and they were in the lounge looking at the salty tank , (when the kids came home from school ) and as kids do run inside slam doors and head straight for the kitchen . Well before their eyes , when the door slammed , was a massive leaking problem , when the tank cracked?

It took me 10 mins on word to sort this out, and I'm dyslexic.
You have more patience then I do, Wolfie. :p Thanks for the translation! ;)
id be stuck if anything happend like that to me .i dont have a spare tank or nething theyd all have to live in a bucket for the night till i could get to LFS.

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