Newly Bought Fish Appeared To Have White Spots


Fish Fanatic
Nov 9, 2005
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Hello and thanks to everyone who's reading this
(I have read, and already)

Now it's 7:55p.m. here. At 7:00a.m. this morning I were looking at my 15 gallon tank (7 zebra danio 1 leopard danio and 2 peppered corydoras in there) . I realised one of 4 zebra danio that I bought 3 days ago have a white spot on her head and another white spot on her anal fin.

To be sure and act quick. I add water (from that 15 gallon tank) to my newly bought fish tank (9"x 5.5"x 6" size). I added an air stones some small stones, a cup to that small tank. Took me 20 minutes to net that sick fish out. She was really stressed when she is inside the small hospital tank(as her blue stripes turned very pale). Then I added 3 drops of Methylene Blue base medicine

I closed all the lights and put a blue towel around the tank to keep her calm and feel safe... And were happy to see her stripes color came back. Then Once I turned on air pump, the water flow inside the small hospital tank is really CHAOS! After 15 minute remember the air stones and replace with it sponge (It said sponge filter but I can't quite see how it's filtering anything). The current seems good for that sick zebra danio.

at 5:30p.m. I realised the fish have pale color again... the spot on the head seems gone but the there were 1 new spot on body, 1 newer spots on left pelvic fin(?).

I turned off the air pump so the water is still inside the hospital tank... I guess maybe she like quiet so she won't be stressed to much...

The blue stripes still pale but at least starting to gaining colors...

My question are:

1)Should I open back the air pump soon? I afraid she will be lacking oxygen...
2)She still looks stress but maybe lesser... Should I put it back into main tank for she to have 'friends' to play with? (But that case I am risky all my other danios) But in main tank at least there is a heater that can treat it... and filter to filter out ammonia and nirtate inside water...
3) what more I should do to make that poor fish happier and healthier?

Grr, took me 30 minutes to type all these out...8:31PM now

UPDATE: I just saw another newly bought zebra danio have a white spot on tail.... This time since the hospital tank already have one zebra danio, I just turned on heater inside main tank.... Any idea what tempature able to kill those "white spots"?
your fish has white spot, try to isolate that single fish to stop the disease spreading then get some whitespot treatment from your local fish shop ASAP
First of how big are the spots, do they look like grains of columnaris can come in spots on the head, fins and body.
[quote name=''genesis' post='979941' date='Nov 21 2005, 06:24 PM']
your fish has white spot, try to isolate that single fish to stop the disease spreading then get some whitespot treatment from your local fish shop ASAP

if one fish has ich there is no use in isolating it the whole tank will be infected and all occupants will need treating.

the best meds for treating ich (white spot) are Protozin® by waterlife products or FMG (Formalin & Malachite Green) by NT labs, one of those should be available at your LFS.

If you do get FMG the dose is 1ml per 30ltr for 5 consecutive days. (This is not printed on the bottle).this must be strictly adheared to as FMG is very very strong and an overdose will be devistating.
also as Formalin is an oxygen absorber it is advisable to add an airstone whilst treating with FMG.

If you get protozin, just follow the instructions on the bottle.

There is also a new strain of Ich that is resistant to most meds on the market, if your fish still have ich after one of the above treatments, let us know and I'll tell you what treatment to use in that case.
Everyone, please forgive me for providing/provided information & names not like you guys. I am living in South Asia. Products here are mostly with Chinese names and instructions... But afterall, I can just see and double check before I buy anything home. I avoid to used any treatment which needed to add some kind of medicine to main tank uptill this point. I have heard planted tank isn't good to add medicine to treat sick fish, since they are harmful to plants.

'Genesis, I did isolated that single fish. I aslo said I added 3 drops of Methylene Blue base medicine. thanks for remind me once again :) (So I know at least I am/were doing right)

Wilder, Those white dots appear on 2 danio are quite tiny- less than 0.5mm(But just in case may I ask how big are grains of salt, though I guess spots on them can be never compare with grains of salt since they are fairly small). In this link, I seems Couldn't find anything about columnaris. :( Will do a search of columnaris once I posted this reply. Thanks for giving me ideas and reply as well as advices :)

if one fish has ich there is no use in isolating it the whole tank will be infected and all occupants will need treating.
that means I should put back that sick zebra danio which has 4 white dots on her back inside the tank?

I will try my very best to find Protozin® by waterlife products or FMG (Formalin & Malachite Green) by NT labs. As I said most products here are mostly in Chinese( They sometimes do have English as sub-titles but still :/ ). I will check look at ingredients on any things I buy so I can judge if it's reasonable to use.

There is also a new strain of Ich that is resistant to most meds on the market.
wow, seems everything can be even worse than compare with what I faced. Thanks for telling me though. Anyway, Wolf thanks for all your helps and advices since day 1 after I arrived in this fish forum
I bought two different types of medicines. One liquid is light blue to a bit greenish in color (Sera, Constapur for 800L) another is in dark-blue (Trump, Fish' unive RSAL medicine). I have set the main tank tempature at 27'C(to stop white spots at higher tempature?).

Sera, Constapur for 800L (made in Germany)- water treatment against Ichthyophtirius, multifiliis and other parasites In fresh and salthwater aquariums

Normal dosage 1st-5th day: 1ml or 18 drops per each 20 liters (5gal) of water;
in severe cases: 1sh-5th day: 2ml or 36 drops per each 20 liters of water, unless prescribed differently.

Composition: 100ml of sera costapur contains:

potassium iodide 2.8mg
malachite green oxalate 105mg
aqua purificata ad 100ml

Trump, Fish' unive RSAL medicine (made in Hong Kong)- whites spots, Red spots, Gill Disease , Eye disease, gill parasite. Fin Rot, Tail Rot, all kinds of body divisble fish external parasites and Fish Anemia.

Usage: day 1: 5ml to 100 litre of water, Day 2 & 3: half the above above dosage, this 3-Day Cycle may be applied again unit all sickness & diseases are eliminated.

Nothing said on it's composition on Trump, Fish' unive RSAL medicine. Neither on Chinese nor English. Not any extra instruction sheets inside. too :/ I do believe they just mostly Methylene Blue inside the bottle though since it's blue?

My family had used "Trump, Fish' unive RSAL medicine" on my father's koi tank... it's quite effective I would say (at least saved 4 koi when they were sick)... Though Trump, Fish' unive RSAL medicine of what it listed out are FAR too good right?... :/

Suggestion of Which should I use? and Methylene Blue & malachite green oxalate are harmful to plants ...(right?) :/

The thing that blessed in main tank is that still only 1 spot on 1 newly bought (4 days already) zebra danio. Nothing worse happened yet... That "lots' of white spots" danio are inside that very small hospital tank still....

UPDATE: The zebra danio which is inside hospital tank clearly has fewer white spots on her body and fins! (good news I guess)

Another question: I bought some new plants to put inside main tank (They are in basin with having "snail stop" bath). IF I added either of those 2 medicine, could I able to plant those new plants with my hand inside the water after 2-3 days ?? IF not then what should I do? :(
Since nobody replying here yet... I think I will use Sera, Constapur . It at least seems saver and more useful in my judgement.......

Formalin is an oxygen absorber

Luckily that Sera, Constapur Don't have Formalin as ingredients on the Composition list...
hope things are beginning to improve for you - ich is another name for whitespot so you have used the right thing.

not sure about the plants but i can't see why it would be a problem to plant them, apart from maybe you'd scare already stressed fish?
Yes, put it back in the main tank and treat the lot. There will be invisible parasites on the gravel and in the water, and the rest of your fish may well become infected.

It is likely to happen again though as your tank is too small for Danios and they will be getting stressed.
fatboybaby, Thanks :) the whitespot on the only danio which is inside main tank was gone during afternoon. I medicined the main tank at 8am yesterday... Now it's already 3:33am. The only fish that stressed most is the danio inside the tiny hospital tank. (she is still in there) BTW I did planted. :)

Jules, that sick danio is still inside the tiny hospital tank, since she once was having a lot of dots on her, I don't quite dare to put it back into main tank and pass her pains to all other danios... Surely I can't see any white dots on her now but maybe there're still white dots on her lower parts of her body (since it's white in color, I can't judge...) She seems like to rub against things inside hospital tank, which is another reason I still haven't put her back into main tank.

"Should I put the sick danio back into main tank?" is the only question still inside my mind :/ :(

UPDATE: I added that sick danio to main tank... Now, I don't see any harm since I am already medicined the main tank as well as I will put another dosage soon... Strange thing is after that fish back into main tank, all danios have been grouping together for over 20 minutes now...
I've done 5 days dosage on main tank already.... on the 3th day no fish have any white spots (I were happy but I did another 2 day white spots treament to finished all white spots)

now it's day 6 (that's mean I've done 5 days dosage already) and turned out the first zebra danio that caught white spots appeared to have 2 white spots again!! So what Should I do now? :-(

Surely other fish have no white spots on them... been looking them closely these past days...

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