Newby Question


Fish Fanatic
Feb 23, 2007
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My tank has been cycling for 2weeks now and I have noticed over night that there is now a brown layer on top of most of my sand.I know this is probably a repost but I have terrible luck with the search on here.Thank you so much and any info on this would be it normal?
I believe it is diatoms which are rather common but I'm NOT SURE, could be this other type of algae, somebody more expierenced should be able to tell you for sure what it is and how to get rid of it. :good:
Orangy brown film, new tank more than likely diatoms. If your ammonia, nitrite and nitrate levels are ok it's time for clean up crew and if your not already using it get some Rowaphos in the system. It'll help keep the algae under control.
Yeah my ammonia has just now droped too .25 but know it seems like my nitrate is rising a bit higher than I would like it 10/15 and my nitrite is at a I'm not sure if some cleaner shrimp are ok with this.I would like it to be lower before I drop my crew of workers in. thanks and let me know if a cleaner shimp could handle this weather.=)
Cleaner shrimp will NOT tolerate the ammonia, thats for sure. After 2 weeks though, I'm amazed you still have ammonia. Did you use LR? If so, where did it come from?
well right now I only have 25lbs of LR in the tank so that's probably why I still have a hint of far the LR my lfs has really good stuff NO sulpher smell.the ammonia has rapidly dopped in the last few days so maybe by this weekend that will be looking good.My nitrite has went up too a 1. I'm woundering how accurate these tests are ill have the lfs test it tonight.should I get some rowaphos?

thanks again.
Well, after seeing its results on an algae filled tank, I'll never setup another tank without rowaphos. An ounce of prevention is worth a ton of headache IMO.
Well, after seeing its results on an algae filled tank, I'll never setup another tank without rowaphos. An ounce of prevention is worth a ton of headache IMO.

Absolutely, run rowaphos from day 1 and keep refreshing it when phosphates creep up and you'll go along way to preventing any algae issues :good:
Does anyone know where to get Rowaphos my lfs doesen't even know what it is. Is there another name for it? Is it something I need to order?Thanks for all the help.
Its not quite as popular in the US as it is in the UK but you can always go to to get some in the States ;)
Would anybody know of a version in the U.S? or is rowaphos the only way to go? the orangy brown is only getting worse. The good thing is my tank levels are really close to put some cleaners in.What's the best cleaner for this?
Thanks everyone I found rowaphos at a local shop.and got a reactor for it=)

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