

New Member
Aug 4, 2012
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Hi everyone.
I'm new to keeping salt water fish and have a few questions. I'm getting a tl 550 128 litre nano setup next week. I just wanted to no is the equipment that comes standard good enough or do I need to change things? I have been re-searching every thing I can about it all an still feel I have not got far there is so much to learn, I won't be putting out in my tank till I feel confident so any help and advice is more than welcome. Thanks keiron
Hi Keiron and :hi:

I don't have any expertise with that particular size of tank but hopefully someone will be along soon who does!

Our nano expert lljdma06 is on vacation for the weekend but will be back soon if nobody else has an answer for you.

If you are looking for good info check out the links in my sig. Other than that if you have any questions just ask - we are here to help!
Hi Keiron and :hi:

I don't have any expertise with that particular size of tank but hopefully someone will be along soon who does!

Our nano expert lljdma06 is on vacation for the weekend but will be back soon if nobody else has an answer for you.

If you are looking for good info check out the links in my sig. Other than that if you have any questions just ask - we are here to help!
Hi ainsy and thanks.
This may sound silly but what is your sig? I want to learn as much as I can thanks for the reply.
Keiron :D
No such thing as a silly question!

Sig is what you should be able to see at the bottom of my post below the line.

If you have sig's turned off it is just 2 links So you want a salt water tank and Marine Aquarium Resouce Center

There is loads of good info there - and you have exactly the right as much reading & research as you can. Unclear on anything & just ask!
Start a journal in the journal section. It's probobly most active there and we all love a journal.
Xraymark said:
Start a journal in the journal section. It's probobly most active there and we all love a journal.

Hi mark. Got my tank now. How do I start a journal? :D
Start a thread in the Marine Aquarium Journals at the top of the saltwater section. You can layout your progress as you go along and ask advice. The most important part of a journal is

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