
Haha the monster will be well worth it. I just got my tank last November and Im on here every day. Im totally hooked! Its a lot of fun
Hehehe, have to admit, this is probably the second biggest passion in my life. Ferrari being the 1st one.

Thoroughly enjoying the tips and the chatter, it really does make the heart feel good. Going into local dealerships, equipped with probably the basics makes you at least fee something of an expert :)

So this HOB Refrigerium thingy? Its the first time i have heard of it and having checked on its details it also acts as a RO filter too?
Well i think Ferraris are in every mans list of passions haha. Back to fish though....

RO filter doent attach to your tank. It is a filter for your tap water which makes it safe to use in your tank (after adding salt). It removes all the impurities.

A refugium is a small tank which has stuff in it (algaes, more live rock, phosphate remover etc). This IS connected to your tank's water supply and helps in the removal of nitrates and wastes from your tank. It is a very popular option which I am planning for my second tank. You can learn much about these on this forum
At this rate, me thinks the 348 will stay in the garage longer (dream).

This is really a brilliant forum, non stop good info and very friendly people. I shall no doubt be asking the next silly question, but being military, the only silly question is the one not asked ? hehehe..

Keep well and safe and I look forward to further ditty's

At this rate, me thinks the 348 will stay in the garage longer (dream).

This is really a brilliant forum, non stop good info and very friendly people. I shall no doubt be asking the next silly question, but being military, the only silly question is the one not asked ? hehehe..

Keep well and safe and I look forward to further ditty's


Im following this topic too, as I have just taken the plunge into Marines, after 20 years of freshwater fishkeeping. It is very addicting, also stressfull, and expensive.

Thankfully I am an Aston Martin lover, so gave up that dream years ago.. :rolleyes:
chris :hi: to the salty side!

do you have a LFS (local fish shop) that is reputable near by?

The whole HOB Refugeeum is alot easier to understand if you can see it in front of you , but in response to your question no its not an RO filter, most reputable LFS will sell RO water cheap for you to be able to top off (after evapouration) anddo a water change.

the RO unit is basically a filter that will remove impurities that fish cannot metabolise and from this you get the RO water which is a very pure water, while we can tollerate a level of metals and chemicals in our water fish cannot, which is why tap water as a rule is a no no.

as for thinking you have created a monster, you couldnt be further from the truth! :lol:
Hi Chris I just browsed over your post and did not not notice if anyone mentioned Steelheair has a post in the nano section called FAQ section for nano tanks truly worth a read will answer a lot of your questions also explains alot
Agreed. Definately read Steel's thread. It will take a while but should answer the majority of your questions
At this rate, me thinks the 348 will stay in the garage longer (dream).

This is really a brilliant forum, non stop good info and very friendly people. I shall no doubt be asking the next silly question, but being military, the only silly question is the one not asked ? hehehe..

Keep well and safe and I look forward to further ditty's


Im following this topic too, as I have just taken the plunge into Marines, after 20 years of freshwater fishkeeping. It is very addicting, also stressfull, and expensive.

Thankfully I am an Aston Martin lover, so gave up that dream years ago.. :rolleyes:

Touche emsvaughn :good:

So its corsas all around and a huge stonking skimmer and such like...

Off in the morning to collect my 130 Ltrs of RO water. Then upgrading the lighting. Checking the waters salinity and hopefully putting the rocks in in about 4 weeks time or so....
Quick update !!!!!!!

Found a local dealer who knows the tank and after having a lengthy chat, understands my needs - superb !!!!!!!!!!

The guy even got me 25 gallons uk of seawater - free !!!! and then with 22 kilos of new fiji coral, upgraded lighting and a new sporty and very nice skimmer unit too. Total price, well lets no go there, but cheaper than you would expect ???

Now have a new friend, literally 15 minutes from the house, always willing to answer any questions and give advice. Best thing is, he lives on longboat / barge. Cant get better surely???

Top dealership, ask for Carl at Bardils Garden Centre A52 Nottingham....

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