afternoon people...
so what i plan on doing
- 2 x t8 lighting units...
If you are planning on more than low light corals the T8s will not be enough
- clear out all the fish plants sand and bogwood e.t.c....
- fit all new filter media with suitible salt water stuff and replace all pipe work
All you need is live rock for your filter
- fit a v2 400 protein skimmer (abit on the pricey side... can anyone give us another options... hang on preferd)
You can find bargain skimmers second hand
- i think im not going to put live sand in but use that crushed coral stuff and initially fill the tank "floor" with that and and slowly add live rock (too much dolla to do it all at once $$$)
Aragonite is what you need try to buy all your lr at once, so you have one cycle - even if it means waiting whilst you save up - you can get lr bargains at the moment from fleabay and UR, from about £4:40/£5:00 a K
buy a BIG tub of salt and fill it with RO water.... unless charlie can sort me out an alternative from whatever he was saying...
D & D salt is popular at the moment, but you may have to buy online - I assume you mean fill the tank with RO - are you going to buy an RO unit?
- fit maybe 1 or 2 power heads to aid the circulation of the water over and arond the rocks..
Yes, get yourself two, Korallia 2, one for either side - again look on fleabay and UR
(leave the tank for a month or so slowly adding more live rock so as to "mature" the system)
Not such a good plan, save up and do it all at once
then once i have all the salinity levels and all that sort of stuff right i may add a fish or too and a little bit of live reef.. or maybe a "clean up crew"
Buy a refractometer
eventually i think i will add a uv steraliser and a fluidised bed filter to aid in water quality and the times up which i will have to do water changes...
You only really need a UV if you have a problem and you don't need a fluidised sand bed
whaddya think?
Im trying my best to read read and read some more...
Read and ask loads of questions also be aware that lfs don't always have the best interests of your tank in mind
Advice welcome!!
Hello all!..
Update to my status. as Ollie's at work and im on a days holiday haha
Currently i dont have the exact dimensions or make of my tank as it was a custome built one which i got off someone will get those for you soon :
I have got :
Berlin Airlift Skimmer 45 - This is a start up skimmer, will look at upgrading after a while.
Coral Sand
Live Aragonite Sand Don't buy live sand - it's a rip-off
Using an additional External filter to help with flow and obv filtration.
Still to get next week or week after:
2x Powerheads - still researching most of you guys still recommend korallia.
Yep unless you got money burning in your pocket, then go for streams, vortech or polario
Was thinking about using a spray bar thoughts please?
Had one in my orca and liked it
Friend has told me his Fish shop is getting some extra large Salt Tubs this coming week (diff brands)
Between 15-20Kgs of LR or 8-12Kgs of LR with 8-10Kgs of ocean rock and allow to seed again thoughts on that please?
Difficult to help you here, not knowing how big the tank will be?
Crushed LR and Rowaphos for the external filter.
Try to tap my friend up for the package leftovers from the transport of corals and LR to help seed and mature tank.
Thinking of using DI water to fill tank bout 3/4 then add salt water purchased from LFS or use DI for whole tank?
Buy yourself an RO unit - will save money long term and the water will be purer - you can mix your first match of water and salt in the tank
Really unsure on lighting to be using?.. This is my biggest confusion!?
All according what your plans are?
Red Sea marine test kit? Again thoughts on this one?
Nah, go for salifert
Plan will be reef and fish set-up when complete!
for me i want i reef.... what would you recommend for my lighting? i have a rena panorama 120... 340l i think with pre -installed light rails and unit...
any other ideas on lighting?
does it have t5 or t8? you can use either of these, t8 would only be good enough for very low light corals such as mushrooms, T5s would be better, you could even keep a few hard corals under T5 . An arcadia would fit over it nicely
on the discussion of external's are you saying to just take out all the filter media and fill it with fragments of live rock and this thing you so call "Rowaphos"... will search it now...
I wouldn't run an external at all, but if you are going to yes, take out the filter media and fill with live rock rubbble and rowaphos
Aragonite.. will search about this now too..
Thanks again seffie
No problem