Newbie To Salt Water!


Fish Addict
Oct 25, 2010
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I think looking at the salt water section of every petstore ive gone to is finally getting to me...
I am no newbie when it comes to fish, but am to salt water (that is besides the research ive been doing).

So im very tempted to switch sides with my 20gallon tall tank. I know this isnt necessarily the best way to start but im allways dedicated to challenge and careful research and a slow start especially with something that seems a bit more delicate.

So what can you all tell me? Im eager to listen and take advice!

My plan: First i was hinking starting as a fish only tank and slowly working into a reef so i can get a base idea of whats going on (plus you can allways upgrade lighting for corals and such).
My thoughts as to what i wish my tank to look like is a stunning and busy scene of live coral, some easy to keep corals, and a couple fish to keep things interesting.
For my tank size i know i will be restricted to about 2 small fish no bigger than 3 inch, so i was thinking maybe a pair of clowns (either the common ones everyone thinks about, or Black Percula Clownfish as i like the awesome color/pattern these lovely fish have to offer). One of the main things that drew me to salt water were the many varieties of crustaceans. I LOVE CRUSTACEANS! haha so id love to encorperate them into my tank if possible.
As for corals and from what i researched SO FAR, i might try my hand at some soft bodies corals like green star polyps or something along those lines (suggestions welcome!)

So thats what i wish to keep! Now i just need knowledge, and the supplies to do so! Like i said before im open to YOUR ideas and thoughts! Thanks for anything you can give me!
20G is a decent sized tank to start with. A pair of clowns would be great for that tank, and you could definitely do at least another one or two (depending on size). Gobies, blennies would be great in there.
As far as inverts, shrimp would be ok (fire or cleaner, pepermints as well but tend to be more shy).
Hermit crabs and snails great.

Some soft corals are OK with fairly low light (Star polyps like you name, mushrooms, zoanthids). What light do you have for that tank?

PS: I posted this for giggles as I already told you most of this :p
20G is a decent sized tank to start with. A pair of clowns would be great for that tank, and you could definitely do at least another one or two (depending on size). Gobies, blennies would be great in there.
As far as inverts, shrimp would be ok (fire or cleaner, pepermints as well but tend to be more shy).
Hermit crabs and snails great.

Some soft corals are OK with fairly low light (Star polyps like you name, mushrooms, zoanthids). What light do you have for that tank?

PS: I posted this for giggles as I already told you most of this :p

Hahaha thanks nemo...
:hi: to the salty side of the forum :good:

There is no reason why you shouldn't start off with a reef - you will regret starting off with a fish only system, it will also cost you more in the long term and cause other issues, for example when you add live rock.

So my thinking would be the same as Nemo:

20 gallon tank
8/10 kilo of live rock
ro water with salt
refractometer to test sg
powerhead to give approx 20 x flow
lights, minimum t8 for softies, better if t5

Also agree that a pair of the smaller clowns and then look for something for the bottom, a small blenny or goby.

When you have the basics covered you can start thinking about coral choice :good:

The planning and research is half the fun, dont skimp on it, ask lots of questions, how about starting a journel?

Seffie x
Thanks for your input! A journal might be a good idea, but for now im preoccupied with a problem.
We often go out on vacations over the summer for at the most, usually around 3 weeks. Ive tried asking my parents to see if i could have a relative come into the house to check it out and do top off's (as you need otherwise SP will go through the roof) but they dont want anyone coming into the house while were gone.... I also know things happen quickly, and i pressume with salt water things happen a tad quicker. But would getting an automatic feeder and making a DIY auto top off system or buying one suffice? I know its not fool proof as electical shortages can happen or equipment failure.... but idk if i want to spend all this money on something and have the chance that when i come home, all thats left in my tank is a giant rotting mess of fish, corals, and so forth...
Thanks for your input! A journal might be a good idea, but for now im preoccupied with a problem.
We often go out on vacations over the summer for at the most, usually around 3 weeks. Ive tried asking my parents to see if i could have a relative come into the house to check it out and do top off's (as you need otherwise SP will go through the roof) but they dont want anyone coming into the house while were gone.... I also know things happen quickly, and i pressume with salt water things happen a tad quicker. But would getting an automatic feeder and making a DIY auto top off system or buying one suffice? I know its not fool proof as electical shortages can happen or equipment failure.... but idk if i want to spend all this money on something and have the chance that when i come home, all thats left in my tank is a giant rotting mess of fish, corals, and so forth...

If you can't have a relative to look after the tank while your away, then Auto systems is really the only option [Just make sure you have a back up system in case of power failure].....Personally, I'd always make sure i could rely on someone to look after the tank/fish etc but I know thats not always possible.

If I had to rely on technology to look after the tank, I would be very nervous leaving it alone to do its job for 3 days, nevermind 3 weeks!.........Sorry, know none of this helps!

Aren't there reputable companies out there that cater for this sort of thing!..
yeah this is the only probem in my plan, even with purchase of a new feeder and water top off system i dont think id be able to actually relax during the vacation hahaha... so im thinking ill just go back to freshwater where i feel a little more secure of how to prepare a tank for vacation time...idk im torn between two loves haha ill start a new post on this topic.

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