newbie to it all, hello everyone


New Member
Jul 15, 2003
Reaction score
anchorage ak
hello to all. yes, i'm new to the hobby of fish, the internet, and this site!!!!
please bear with me on any mistakes i might make. i'm catchin on,slowly.
my main goal right now is to learn how to maintain a healthy aquarium with a beautiful thriving betta and others. see my question on chit-chat. take care.
HiYa and welcome Betta-fun :thumbs:

Enjoy your time here and ask away :D

Welcome to the forum, what kind of fish do you have? I guess with your name you like Betta's? I have 2 and they are spoiled little guys. Have to love them. Sandy
yeah, i enjoy my bettas. i have two right now. i'm working hard on keeping them healthy. i have recently started a 10 gallon tank, i believe it's finally cycled. you can read my entry in the emergency forum. my goal is to have 4 healthy betta. 1 for me and 1 for each of my children. it's been an experience. i have received some good info. and look forward to everyones help. take care and keep on enjoying your bettas. what are their names. we have Ariel (he's red) and Humble, he has a lot of different colors. BYE NOW!!!

Hi Betta-fun, glad you joined our lil niche of the web.
:hi: to our fishtank!

I have 3 betta's have lost a few along the way ,thankfully only one to my stupiditylol the other's lived long lives.
:hi: and I hope you find this forum useful! There are no stupid questions, so don't be afraid to ask anything you may need to know. We all have to learn at some point! This has been a great site for me and I've learned a alot and I'm sure you will too! :D

See you around! :D

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