Hello I was wanting some advice on dwarf frogs I got two of them six days ago and at the same time I also got two otto cat alge eater and two ghost shrimp and put them in my 55 gallon tank, than I took 6 zebra danio's that I already had in another tank and I put them in there with them, so the six danios have been in there for two days now and I was wondering if the frogs will quit hidding so much in another day or so? They were just fine exploring around the tank and than I think the danios might scare them a little because they are so active and swim around so much because ever since than the frogs have been wanting to hide more and also they both ate really good the day before I put the danio's in there and than the day after only one frog ate two bloodworms and the other one didn't eat anything and than today the second day neither one of them have ate anything. So my question is should I be concerned? or will the frogs quit being shy or scared after a little while and come out more? Also one other question is it unusally for the frogs not to eat everyday? Thanks for any advice out there.