Newbie Question about TankBacking


New Member
Jun 18, 2004
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I have a new 5 gal. tank with a lone betta. Today I put up a blue backing to the tank and now my betta is all puffed up like he sees another betta in there. is he seeing his reflection (I can't tell) and if he is seeing his reflection all the time is that dangerous to him? Maybe it's just a new introduction to his environment? Should I remove the backing? I'd hate to b/c then all the wires are visible.

Thanks for any help.

Hi! Welcome to the forums!

He probably is seeing his reflection, but bettas tend to flare at anything new that they see, it's a good sign that he's healthy :)
If it is his reflection, he won't continue to flare at it constantly. Many of us have bettas in the same tank with dividers and they will flare at each other on and off when they feel fiesty.
He should get used to it and only flare now and then. :nod:

I'll give him some time :r :)

Another question, though. He's in a 5 gallon hex tank that came with a filter and bio-wheel. I think the brand was an eclipse system. Anyway, I wanted to add a couple more fish eventually. How many can it support? Also, i was thinking of a pair of red swordtails -- I think red would look good with the blue betta -- are they good choices?

If I were you, I wouldn't add swordtails. Because of their bright colours, the betta may mistake them for other bettas. I'd go with white clouds, danios (questionnable, all depends on the fish), african dwarf frogs, a pair of corys, or some otos. Or, you could put a divider in the tank and keep two bettas.
I agree, the most non colored and hence non challenging fish the better for Betta company. Ottos work really well and my 2 stay out of Jack's cruising range. Maybe Bettas just like flaring at anything new in or around their tank...Jack really keeps a close eye on my siphon when I do a water change. He's ready to take it on if he has to. :lol: He also keeps a close eye on the necklaces that hang from a wall rack behind his tank. When I change them he notices. I guess I'm lucky to have a green wall behind the tank and wires off the side so no backing needed.


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