Newbie Problem


New Member
Apr 17, 2006
Reaction score
NW England
hi, I could waffle on for ages about how great and useful this forum is, but you already know that, I'm sure ;)

My problem is this..............

I've got a 70ltr tank, which I put gravel into (washed of course) I then put the water in and a few plants, left it for a coulpe of weeks with the filter system running (as per the shops instructions) and then bought my fish.

I've got 2 black molly's, they seem fine and I had 5 guppies. 3 male and 2 female (yes I know I'm supposed to have more females than males, but I didn't know that at the time :blush:

The fish went in on Good Friday and on Sunday night I'd lost one of the famle guppies, I assumed down to being harrased by the males, but this morning (Tue) I've discovered one of the males is dead too.

Could there be a problem with the tank, or is it just one of those things. :unsure:
HI have you checked guppie ph level from the tank they came from compared to your own as they have been ultra sensitive when i have tried them in the past?

PS please read up on the mollies? I have had them in the past not now as it was aroung 14yrs since ive had them and we found that they were suceptible to pop eye unless we added aquarium salt!!
HI have you checked guppie ph level from the tank they came from compared to your own as they have been ultra sensitive when i have tried them in the past?

PS please read up on the mollies? I have had them in the past not now as it was aroung 14yrs since ive had them and we found that they were suceptible to pop eye unless we added aquarium salt!!
nope, no one told me anything about ph levels or how to check them................and I thought pop eye had a girlfriend named olive :unsure: Obviously, I'm not very well up on these things :blush:
The problem is 'New Tank Syndrome'. Leaving the tank running for a few weeks with no fish in would have done nothing other than circulating the water around. Do you have any test kits? If not, get a liquid test kit for, at the very least, ammonia and nitrite, and monitor the levels every day. You'll need to do water changes probably every day as guppies aren't very hardy.

This is very helpful
no test kits. Maybe buying my fish over a bank holiday weekend when all the staff were far too busy to help properly, wasn't the best time to do it :blush:

I'm going back there later today so I'll get some testing kits and post the results, later.


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