newbie - new setup


Feb 14, 2004
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Thats my new tank, i have in it a dwarf gourami, a betta, 8 neons, and 2 leopard danios, i presume thats about the limit for my tank (500/250/350 (mm))

Right now the betta is bothering the gourami, and constantly displaying at him, will they settle down into terratories?

Anything i should be carefull of, i followed setup guidlines carefully, but i think i added too may fish to start off with!

I just want to see if i have done anything terribly wrong?!

*oh, and when should i start feeding them?
I definately would not add MORE fish. As far as the betta and gourami, they might never settle down. It really depends on the temperment of the particular betta. Ideally, they would calm down in a larger tank. With a tank like yours, I would suggest watching it carefully and be prepared to pull the betta out if he won't leave the gourami alone. Afterall, stress on either fish is definately not a good thing.

I also hope you didn't plop all of those fish in there at one time as soon as you filled the tank? That could be a disaster.

From hearing other's opinions it is probably a good idea to feed very lightly at first. You do not want to overfeed and potentially create excess ammonia. Fish can go a long time without food period, so don't worry about giving them just a little bit. I hope that helps! Again, I am sure the "real" experts will correct me if I'm wrong! Good luck! :D

No, i setup the tank, used a bacteria starter, and dechlorinated the water, cleaned the gravel, aquarium and all the plants, and made sure the temp was 25degrees before any fish went in :p

Oh, and i ran it for 24 hours with the lights filter and heater on :)
Good, but.. the bacteria still may not have a solid chance to seed itself. There are 2 ways to start a tank.. fishless cycling and cycling WITH fish. Did you read up on those? I am not good enough to explain all of that.. but there is a ton if info on these forums about it. With that said, putting all of those fish in at one time is a bad idea. Only because it will strain the bioload of your tank. The bacteria will not have had time to adjust to the new load of ammonia in the tank and it could cause problems for the fish. They might live (hopefully) just not as well as they could be. As someone once told me.. "I'm sure small levels of carbon monoxide in your home are okay, but I sure wouldn't want to be breathing it in." It is suggested that you add a few fish to start and gradually increase the load until fully stocked. It will give the bacteria a chance to adjust itself to the current bioload (bioload being all the fish waste, excess food, etc that causes ammonia) I hope that further answers your question. Good luck!


EDIT: Still keep an eye on that betta. You may have to put him in his own tank. My girlfriend has a betta that will not tolerate any other fish in his world. The only thing that won't bother him is a dwarf frog. Remember, some chasing around is okay. But, if he is constantly flaring and the gourami appears over-stressed, it is best to seperate them to prevent disease or even death.
Ok, i have another small tank, will i be able to keep the betta in that, on his own? Bearing in mind, it has no filtration, gravel or heating.

They are definatly bothering each other now :(

I can still drive to the shop to get anything i may need to set the betta happily today :)
Well, a betta is a VERY tolerant species. It can live in colder temps, and it can live without filtration as LONG as you do water changes a lot. I would recomend the "Eclipse systems" They come in different sizes. My girlfriend has a 3 gallon ecplise complete with filter, bio-wheel, light... just for her betta and frog. Ideally, filtration is better.. I would recomend the tank I just described. It will probably live happier and healthier... But, if cost is an issue, a bowl will do. Countless people do not use filtration for their bettas... just remember to do water changes once per week or more. Also, consider a dwarf frog with your better - they won't bother eachother and will give you something else to look at! Hope that helps!


EDIT: Heat is not necessary for a betta. It is a tropical fish, but is one of the few that can tolerate a wide range of temps. Like I said, a very tolerant species.
OK, sorted, just popping down to the shop now, for gravel, a plant and a decent size net :p

Is there anything else i will need? My room is quite warm, and i can do water changes easily, so presumably all will be ok :p (should i use some of the gravel and water from my main tank?
You could use some gravel from your old tank. Probably not neccessary considering your main tank doesnt have a lot of bacteria in it anyways. A plant is definately necessary for the betta. They seem to enjoy them! If you can, I would use some water from the old tank because he is used to it. Then fill the rest with tap water (remember to use the proper chemicals to dechlorinate, etc) Good luck, I am sure he will be MUCH happier.

I disagree on the heat. They do need heat. You will find that most betta's will become lathargic when their water isn't warm. A warm betta is a happy betta. If the tank is too small for a heater, then I would suggest a light on during the day, and a towel wrapped around him during the night.

Make sure it is a big enough bowl, or whatever you decide to keep him in.

HTH & Good Luck

*What kind of bacteria starter did you use??
Sure, it would PREFER heat, as would all tropical fish. But in a bowl, that isnt always an option. Good advice though on the towel at night. In my girlfriend's 3 gallon the temp stays about 74+- 2 most of the time (without a heater) It is a very active and vibrant fish.

Big enough.. well yes. They live in cups and bags at the store so anything is better than that. However, after looking at her betta in a gallon bowl for a few weeks I HAD to get the eclipse 3 gallon system. It just has more room to swim. It is up to you though... There are most likely millions of people that keep them in a 1 Gallon tank. :D

Well, the betta seems to have given up on its pestering of the gourami now i am home with all the stuff to set him up on his own...

I shall keep an eye on them and see what develops

I was told that its unusual to be sold a single male gourami, and they normally come in pairs?! is this true? Does he need a mate, i donnt really want to add more fish!
No, adding 2 males in a small tank would probably be bad. They can get territorial and if there is not enough space for them to develop their own areas, fighting could result. What I have heard is that there is a good ratio for most gouramis consisting of females and males.. but I am not the expert in that area!

Keep an eye on those guys - you may not need to move the betta afterall. Sometimes, he just needs to show he is the boss and then will calm down!

Good luck!


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