Newbie Needs Help Asap

I personnaly would leave them in the bowl until your main tank is sorted. Being babies they will be a lot more suseptable to ammonia etc. I think they would be better off just getting a regular water change to their bowl to ensure that there is no build up. Its a bit of a catch 22 as I assume that the bowl has no heater etc but if your house temps are above 22 C normally they should be able to hang in there.
Only other side though if you are keeping up with the water changes to keep the levels low I would probably put them in. You may resik loosing them but you might also in the bowl.

I AM HAPPY!! We haven't lost a fish in 24 hours and water tests all come back fine, except ammonia readings of I know this should be nil but my priority has been keeping everyone alive and it seems we have finally achieved this. Over the next few days once everyone has settled down completely then I will tackle the ammonia level to get it to nil.
I do have concern for the dwarf frog as he spends all his time randomly floating with the water flow, I think this is because of the meds given a few days ago which stated that it was unsuitable for his species. He is alive cos if we go to catch him he moves away from us. Is it worth moving him to the med-free main aquarium?
Well, thanks to everyone that has given me helpful advice cos god knows without it I would be looking at an empty tank now. If you are ever in Merthyr, let me know and I'll get you a Seriously, I am really grateful and will continue to read the wealth of info this site has to offer.
Thanks everybody!!
That's great! :good:

Glad it's starting to come together, looks like there's light at the end of the tunnel.

Yes, I'd move your frog, it sounds like he's not too happy about the meds.

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