Newbie Needing Help


New Member
May 27, 2012
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Hi all,

Really need some advice. I have recently purchased a tank that is 25L, very small I know but space is quite limited. I could do with some advice on what I should keep. It has been running for 2 days now with no fish and the temperature is at around 29 degrees, I have a light an off the shelf filter.

I asked the guy at the pet shop for some advice on guppies because they're brilliant to look at and he told me I could keep 10 in a tank that size, I think that sounds like way too much and my main concern is obviously the welfare of the fish. What would you recommend I keep? I could really use some advice.


Add a pair of dwarf cichlids or some shrimp and a betta? all would look good
Dwarf Cichlids is a bit of a vauge term and to be fair there are not many well suited to this size....

10 Guppies will be too much for this tank and if you mix genders the fish will out number the water haha!!

If you like Guppies though, what about Endlers, they are like Guppies but stay smaller. Other options are Micro Rasbora, Badis or Dario Fish, Sparkling Gourami, Cherry Shrimp, Bee Shrimp, Hara Catfish are nice as well.

@Wills Endlers sound good and yeah looking at some photos are very guppy like. I saw a massive fish tank once that had SOOOO many guppies in because of breeding, 10 felt like an insanely high number. So how many would be recommended for such a small tank? What else would the require and are they easy to get hold of?

Sorry for all of the questions I just like to do my research before things like this.

I would go with half dozen male guppies, since that's what you like. Then add a few cherry shrimp and a couple of nerite snails.
@Lindsey&Craig borellis look really nice do they live well in pairs?

or even A.Baenschis I can arrange this :p

How do you keep them?

I would go with half dozen male guppies, since that's what you like. Then add a few cherry shrimp and a couple of nerite snails.

Hmmm that seems slightly full, would they all have enough room? What kind of cover would be needed?
borellis and baenshis are dwarf cichlids they will go lovely together in a tank of your size with a small cave area, sand substrate and a few plants will be like a tropical paradise. make sure you get 1 male and 1 female as opposites will end with bad results. food wise just flake and frozen foods apart from that piece of cake
borellis and baenshis are dwarf cichlids they will go lovely together in a tank of your size with a small cave area, sand substrate and a few plants will be like a tropical paradise. make sure you get 1 male and 1 female as opposites will end with bad results. food wise just flake and frozen foods apart from that piece of cake

At the moment I have gravel and a fake plastic plant that the chap in the shop recommended, I actually think I have been conned a little in the respect. I would rather have sand and some plants, I was worried my lack of skill would make it really hard :rolleyes:. So if I get one of each of those and some cover it would look good and be sustainable. Nice.

Are they easy to get hold of?
I would go with half dozen male guppies, since that's what you like. Then add a few cherry shrimp and a couple of nerite snails.

This is 25 litres of water we're talking about I would probably keep no more than 3 or 4 guppies (working with your stocking suggestions) or, make it a shrimp tank with a couple snails. A male and female pair of guppies, a few shrimp and an apple/nerite snail could also work.
on this forum everything is easy, so much help.....

you can purchase cheap live plants here, buy your sand from anywhere really, i use argos play sand, make a cave from a hollowed coconut then just go for the fish.

i know people who will sort you out with some nice apistos
I would go with half dozen male guppies, since that's what you like. Then add a few cherry shrimp and a couple of nerite snails.

This is 25 litres of water we're talking about I would probably keep no more than 3 or 4 guppies (working with your stocking suggestions) or, make it a shrimp tank with a couple snails. A male and female pair of guppies, a few shrimp and an apple/nerite snail could also work.

Would you recommend that it is planted? Would you use sand? I hate the thought of having an overstocked tank.

on this forum everything is easy, so much help.....

you can purchase cheap live plants here, buy your sand from anywhere really, i use argos play sand, make a cave from a hollowed coconut then just go for the fish.

i know people who will sort you out with some nice apistos

Ah nice, so might be worth me starting over. This time using sand and plants. I feel a post about plants coming on lol! I actually think having a small tank is much more scary because if something goes wrong it is a huge issue, in a massive tank it can be sorted before the whole tank is in strife lol.
you put whatever you like in there as long as it stays alive and you keep it fed and clean thats all that matters

my 25l houses a great white lol :D

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