Newbie Mistakes Corrected...


Apr 25, 2004
Reaction score
Dearborn Heights, MI (Near Detroit)
Today is a special day in my fish keeping history. :) I've finally removed all of the fish that are not proper for the Tropical Freshwater Community I've been aiming for. And what's more, is with the help of several members from this forum, I have learned how to properly research what I'm looking for and even pick out some nice tank-mates. :)

My updated fish list, which I think is a lot closer to what I was looking for, is:

3 - Albino Cory Cats (I love these guys!!!)
3 - Emerald Green Cory Cats (Again, these guys are sweet too!)
3 - Baloon Mollies (1 Male, 2 Female)
3 - Sailfin Mollies (1 Male, 2 Female)
2 - Bleeding Heart Tetras
1 - Longfin Tetra
1 - Priscella Tetra
1 - Silver Tip Tetra
3 - Zebra Danios
1 - Pleco (Possibly Common, unsure)

While we were out looking at fish last night, we bought a single cave and my husband and I were discussing possible landscape scenarios. I only had 1 small cave and a single small plant at the bottom of my tank - which wasn't suitable for the new cory cats I was about to introduce to the tank. (It's so nifty, I knew all about the fish BEFORE I got them home! Sorry, a little excited...I knew more about the mollies and the cories, thanks to reading, than the sales dude at the fish store!)

Anyway, we picked up a couple more pounds of gravel, a cave and a couple of plants and redid the bottom. It looks sooooo much better than it did before. Using a clear plastic container which was cut in half, we buried it in the corner of the tank and completely covered the top in gravel. It makes a nice dome/cave for the fish to hide in. We also added the plants and the couple of ornaments we got and I can't believe how much more hiding places it provides for the little guys!

Anyway, I just wanted to share the good news with all of you and say thanks for your suggestions on fish and tips on how to pick and research some good tank-mates. I still have a few more left that I will need to get to complete some schools (a couple more Zebra Danios, and maybe a couple more small tetras) but then I should be good.

Thanks for all your to come soon!!
we want pictures.



Sky, you cracked me up. :) Yes yes, pictures pictures. I'm taking them tonight and will have them posted shortly. :) :) We had to get a few more pounds of gravel to finish some of the caves and things. Once I have everything added and the things have settled down, I'll get those pictures taken and posted!
Hi Becca :)

I'm so glad to hear that your tank is coming together so well! When you get pics, please put a link here so we'll know they're up. :thumbs:

Now that your getting it finished, I hope you'll stick around and share your new found knowledge with the newbies. :dunno:
Ok...I have new pics of my tank, but instead of trying to contain them all here in a single post, I've hosted them on my own site. I didn't do anything drastic, just threw some thumbnails together on a single pages with links to the actual images so you can pick and choose which one you want to see. I took quite a few.

Mind you - these are all from a Camera Phone, so the quality isn't as great as it could be. :)

Aquarium Pictures!
:cool: Becca, your tank looks wonderful, great job.

What size is it? It is hard to tell from pics and I didn't see it in your post. Also how many pounds of gravel did you use? I am currently setting up a 75 gallon tank which is larger than any tank I've had previously and I have bought everything and am planning on setting it up tomorrow, am not sure if I will need more gravel until I get it in the tank.

Again, great setup!

Hi Becca :)

It's very lovely! :thumbs:

I especially like the cave you made with the rocks. :nod:
These pics are great Becca! Thanks for posting them. I was having some trouble picturing in my mind, from just your description, what the caves were like. Makes sense, now, and they look great. Keep us posted on their progress.
Thanks guys. :) All of the creative work you see in the tank is thanks to my husband. WHen he started talking about what we could do with the bottom, I just couldn't picture it. I left to take care of a couple of errands, came home, and ta-da, it was done...and gorgeous. And all the fishies are happy! :)

As for the cories, at first I was worried that I got too many (have 6 total) - but the pages that I've found on them say they do best in groups of 6, so I split it 3 Albinos and 3 Emerald Greens. And I wouldn't have picked out cories if not for this forum, so thanks!
Becca said:
...As for the cories, at first I was worried that I got too many (have 6 total)
Hi Becca :)

You can never have too many corys! :lol: :hyper: :lol:

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