Welcome to TFF.
No actual mistakes stand out, but it would be helpful to know if you cycled the tank before adding fish, and how you did if you did. If "cycle" is unknown to you, don't fret, this is common with new aquarium keepers, and we can explain this.
The fish in the picture are Glo Tetras, not Neons; keep that in mind as it will save confusion if further questions are asked.
Do you have a test kit(s) for pH, ammonia, nitrite and nitrate?
Thanks, yes you are right they are Glos. That was the groups first test and you all passed! The kids and wife wanted brightly colored fish… I just wanted fish, especially Cory Catfish. More to come on their demise, ha.
On the advice of the store clerk I didn’t introduce any fish for 2 weeks. I put a small amount of fish food in early on and then just let the tank sit while on for 2 weeks straight. We got the tank tested after those two weeks by PetCo and they said it was ok to add fish, so we started with 3 Glos and 3 nerite snails.
I started making a log on December 12th for the water readings. After the two weeks of fish and snails I changed 5 gallons of water out using a syphon. And added 5 more gallons of tap water but not before I added Stress Coat to the tap water.
My tank has been running these numbers using API testing strips:
1) Ammonia: 0 to 0.5
2) NO2 & NO3: 0 ppm
3) pH: Started at 8.5 but as of today its a 7.5 ppm
4) KH: Its been consistently 240 (more to come on that)
5) GH: Its been consistently 60
I first introduced 3 Glo Tetras and 3 Nerite snails. Dec 18th I added 2 more Glos and 2 Cory's. The next day the Cory's were dead. The Tetra's seemed to thrive.
I wanted to try to fix my KH level so at my last water change I added 3.5 gallons of distilled water on the 30th of December. I checked the water again an hour later and the KH was 180 but my GH was 30. I noticed my Pink Glo looking weak and getting caught between the filter waterfall and the back of the tank so I added a half-gallon of tap water. (numbers went to KH 180 and GH 60) I added API stress coat each time I added water. Today, my Pink Glo looks lethargic and keeps floating towards the filter intake.
I change my water every week to two (I waited 2 weeks this time to see if the water clarity would clear up a bit).
I feed the fish a pinch of food every 2 days.
So, I do have a multitude of issues.
1) 1 Glo likely going to die today and another one is starting to exhibit signs of weakness as well.
2) Killed 2 Cory's within 12 hours of them being in the tank. One was super active when we got them.
3) Tank is consistently slightly cloudy.
After all the water adjustments a day (Today) later I'm back at my normal readings:
Ammonia: 0.5
No2 and No3: 0
pH: 7.5
KH: 240
GH: 60