SmokedPaprika said:'s a bit of a beginner's cliche but I really want a siamese fighting fish. I've loved them for years but my parents wouldn't let me have a tropical tank and the cold water setup.
WELCOME [emoticon deleted] ask away and we will do all we can to assist.
Good luck in your new home and lovely to have somewhere that is now your own, handy to like cooking.
What sort of tank and equipment have you been considering? Do not rush and take a look at the Beginners Resource Section, especially the part on cycling an aquarium - the fish-less version is the better option.
As for fighters you are in the right place [emoticon deleted] but [emoticon deleted] be-warned [emoticon deleted] MTS is highly contagious and a definite with fighters [emoticon deleted]
Thank you! Yes, it's been fun setting the house up and putting things where I think they should go [emoticon deleted] are those your bettas in your signature? They're gorgeous
Yes, I'll definitely do a fish-less cycle; it sounds much more humane, and gives me plenty of time to decide which fish to go for. I was thinking quite a small tank, one of the all in one set-ups that seem to be in a lot of pet shops. Not a BiOrb though, they look too much like fish bowls! I know nanos are harder to maintain but I really don't have much space [emoticon deleted] ideally I'd like to do a betta with a shoal of something smaller and maybe some shrimp and/or snails, though I know betta's tempers can vary...would something around 50-60 litres give enough space? Also, what's MTS?
This Old Spouse said:
>Welcome to the forum! You should see if there's a Freecycle group in your area and check them out for used tanks. It's where I got all 7 of mine! And do take a look at the beginner's section. Lots of good stuff to take in there.
Yes, there's loads of great info - I'm actually a bit boggled, I don't know where to start with it all!
Yes, they are my fighters in my signature, the boys are in the squares and some of the girls are in the circles, and thanks for the comments

You can check out some of my girls here
Betta Girls, They Can Be As Stunning As The Boys
Also check out some of the other topics in the Betta Splendens section of the website, as this will give you further insights and more
Shelster's journal (link above) is also very useful and is a good Nano tank for starting into the world of MTS (Multiple Tank Syndrome).
Check out Rasboras Espei - lovely fish with Bettas, I already have eleven of them, with twelve more in Quarantine

Search the forum as I have talked about them elsewhere if you want more info on them.
Corys are great with Bettas or Amano Shrimps, but in the case of the Shrimps, ensure the lid has no gaps - found one near the fridge last week that someone had sadly trod on!
TallTree01 said:
Hi paprika,
As soon as I read the word betta in your first post I knew RCAs post would follow lol. Yeah, a 60 liter should be enough for a nice betta and a shoal of tetras or rasboras.
MTS= multiple tank syndrome OR Malaysian trumpet snail.
Good to have you on the forum and look forward to reading a journal on this tropical tank hopefully!
Ha, thanks TT, it is not all about Bettas though you know
MTS was the former in this case
Ditto, set up a journal as we all
...I need to work out how to put photos up before I start a journal...well, I think a tank is fairly crucial too
Check out Photobucket, that is what I use, and I have been impressed with it.
Random question, I'm thinking of trying live plants, is that possible in a small tank?
Already been answered, but yes definitely and better for Bettas than plastic!
Check out JBL Florabase plus other similar products that go under your substrate (sand, gravel).
Let us know your shortlist for tanks prior to purchase and we can assist you to get the best. Enjoy the journey ...good to have more Betta fans, not that I care for them that much
Go for it eagles ...
Once again I was warned too many emoticons, hence [emoticon deleted] - shame as they express emotions LOL