Newbie Here - Cycling Diary!

:blush: 7.6!
Although I know the tank water was definately 7.6 to start with, as I did the initial test with both Lo & High range, and they both reported roughly the same.
Well, it would now be what the hi-range kit says then :good: You probibly have a fair bit of CO2 in the tap water, pulling the pH down and caursing you the rise in pH after the water goes into the tank :good: Once you have fish, I'd recomend "aging" the water with an airstone in overnight before using it. This will gas off the CO2 and prevent pH fluctuations :good: This is the only thing De-Chlorinator can't do for you. Aging is done in addition to De-Chlorinating BTW ;)

All the best
I have a Hydor Ario3 air pump knocking about somewhere. I'll put that in & get it bubbling away! Thanks Rabbut! :good:
This is for replacement water. Fill a bucket, add De-chlorinator and let it stew overnight with the airline in it. This makes your new water of roughly the same pH as that of the tank :good:
Was hoping that the mature media would have really started things moving a bit quicker by now, but this cycle feels like it's going to be ultra stubborn! :sad: :lol:
Quick question mate, what ammonia are you using? I would expect that the second seed would have worked if all was well, even if the first diden't....

All the best
Kilroc pure household ammonia. <10%.
I was really hoping for much more than this by now. :(
Other tanks are due their weekly water change tomorrow. Seriously tempted to dump the water from this one & refill it. -_-
When you shake the ammonia bottle, what happens? Does it foam? If so, how long does it take for the foam to clear? Have you used this bottle of ammonia for a cycle before? What is the ingreadiants list?

All the best
Nope, no foam, bubbles a little obviously, but that clears very quick.
Ingredients are <10 Ammonia. It lists nothing else.
Never used it before. What is the popular brand of choice?
Although we already have 2 small well established tanks, they were cycled 'fish-in', before I knew about the better way!!
Another day, another static set of results. :crazy:
Don't know what to do, apart from suspect that the ammonia isn't all that.
I pulled the sponges out today just to look at them, and they are virtually as they were when I set the tank up 3 weeks ago!!
Something must be stoping the bacteria from establishing properly, whatever it is, it's driving me nuts!! :-(
It's a shame, looking back at the first week, it looked like thinks were going to be alright, then it seems to have stalled since using the bottled ammo.
I'd do a realy large waterchange, say arround 90%, to try kick some life into it. If that doesn't help, there has to be something preventing the bacteria building up as you say :sad:
Ordered some different ammonia today (the Jeyes one) as I have lost faith in the stuff i'm using now, the tank has definately flat-lined!
Couldn't source the boots one nor anything else locally, ammonia seems hard to come by!
Tried scrounging some media from 2 lfs's at the weekend, but all they wanted to do was sell some stress-zyme, hey ho.

Gonna let the tank tick over until the weekend, then start again! Grrrr.

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