Newbie Help


New Member
Feb 9, 2011
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Hi everyone my names Steven and I live in Broxburn West Lothian.

Now before the flaming begins I am here for help as i know i have several Issues.

I have been reading alot of posts on forum since i joined and now I am ready to ask for help and get reccomendations.

There will be some advice that I will not be willing to take as one fish imparticular IS a member of the family and everything else will have to be arranged around him.

I am looking for members close by to where i live to discuss this hobby with as my wife is complaining about how much i go on about them. LOL.

Right, so first i will post tank and fish info that i have and some questions about fish I don't know name of and will provide some pictures.

Fish Tank

Hagen Fluval Venezia 190 Corner Aquarium.


1 x Common Plec. 5" Yes I plan to rehome or move to larger tank.

2 x Bolivian Rams. 2" I call these the two old men because of how they interact. They bother no other fish and no other fish bother them.

11 x Dalmation Mollys. 1 to 2" these were from a lone female that died. I have rehomed 7 of these allready and if anyone local wants some for free please get in touch. Vary in size from 20mm to 40mm.

2 x Black neon Tetras. 1" I have had these from very first tank.

3 x Bala sharks. 3 to 4" Yes i was miss sold these and are currently between 60 and 100mm If anyone can rehome these please get in touch.

1 x Spotted congo puffer. 2" Amazing little guy and IS one of the family. Never bothers any fish and eats any food put in tank. Got him a couple of years ago from someone on a forum and never seen or heard about anyone else having one. Looks like a GSP but has spines visable all over body, albeit tiny.

5 x kuhli Loaches. 2 to 3" Very rarely see any of these.

3 x yellow with black spots. 1" Please can anyone identify?

3 x silver with black, yellow and white tipped fins 1" Please can anyone identify?

I also would like plant in the backgroud identified. It grows like wildfire.

I change rougly between 36 and 48 litres every Sunday and add ferts at same time.

I remove water by Grav Vaccum straight our window. LOL very Easy.

Never had any bad readings although I will admid not to confident in test kits. (feel free anyone that wants to drop by and check/show me)










I plan to remove all the tat from tank (have kids) and do a centre scape so any advice welcome on this also.

Cheers in advance and please go easy on me.
The plant is Anacharis Narrow Leaf (Egeria najas). Sorry I can't help with the fish I.D.

And welcome to the forum!!
Well, I can identify those things for you.

The yellow fish with black spots are gold barbs, Puntius semifasciolatus, the silver one with the black and yellow fins are X-Ray tetra, Pristella maxillaris and the plant is Egeria densa, often called 'Elodea'.

I'll leave discussion of your stocking to other people :unsure:
Thank you again.

Just done a water change and found an Armano shrimp in there? Where the hell did he come from? lol
Must admit I thought the flaming would have started allready but so far everyone seems to be being too nice.

I really need help guys.

I admit I have problems, but hope none are very immediately serious and can be fixed with some help.

I have removed all the plasticy junk and built a centre scape with rocks plants and some drift wood.

I will add a new picture later when dust settles.
I'm surprised the Amano shrimp is still alive with the puffer as a resident. Inverts and puffers are like oil and water. I would watch that pair closely.
Must have been a hitchhiker with something and lived to grow to a fair size.

Looked about 40mm long.

Updated pic.

Well, I can identify those things for you.

The yellow fish with black spots are gold barbs, Puntius semifasciolatus, the silver one with the black and yellow fins are X-Ray tetra, Pristella maxillaris and the plant is Egeria densa, often called 'Elodea'.

I'll leave discussion of your stocking to other people :unsure:

Just to keep myself from feeling like a complete idiot, the only difference between the E. najas and the E. densa is one has four-leaf clusters and one has five. Your photo looked just like mine, which is E. najas. Sorry for any confusion.

<div><br></div><div>Just saw the pic ... nice tank!</div>
Am i to think that my stocking is not as bad as i though from the lack of comments or has no one who has advice looked yet?

I am a bit confused as from other threads where newbies have provided a stock list there have been mnany concerns voiced.

Please guys I really want to hear your thoughts.
It's hard to comment on your stocking when many of the fish you list you describe as those that you're looking to rehome. As has been mentioned by many who are much more experienced than me, the general guideline is 1" of fish per gallon of water, but beyond that if you keep your water at optimum quality and none of the fish is creating problems then you're fine. Personally I think it's a very interesting tank of fish you have, and it's an attractive tank.
Thank you once again.

Sorry did not mean to sound off.

Looks like i am on the right track from what you are saying, so now i will start with getting those bala's rehomed.

Let us know how it all comes out, and please post some pics! Love to see nice tanks on here. Good luck!

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